Before the Red Arrows moved over to Waddington they were at Scampton and during spring and summer would practise over our area 3 times a day. You got used to it and on days like today, clear blue sky, it was a great sight. Many's the time they flew low, right over our house.
Not so Batman -- mind you fully tooled it could only get from Barnsley to Grimsby (with a tail wind). Hawk 200 weapons The Hawk 200 has 11 external store points with four underwing pylons, an under-fuselage pylon, and wingtip air-to-air missile stations. The range of external stores includes air-to-air missiles, a gunpod, rocket launchers, reconnaissance pod, retarded and free-fall bombs up to 1,000lb, runway cratering, anti-personnel and light armour bombs, cluster bombs, practice bomb and rocket carriers and external fuel tanks.
That is a single seat variant developed as a light strike fighter which achieved modest exports in the 1980s. The Hawks used by the Red Arrows are pure trainers. Some carried modifications for advanced arms training most often those for export and in the cold war around 100 of the fleet doubled as emergency interceptors able to carry two sidewinder air to air missiles. The Hawk remains one of the great export stories for the Uk in the last 50 years, even managed to sell it to US Navy/Marines who call it the Goshawk.