To be fair mate it was a reply, 1st I agreed with another poster that the benefit system encourages a work shy population. Then another poster responded by saying if working for a living doesn't carry the benefits it should then it's not surprising people stay on benefits. I get some can't work due to disabilities etc. But like I said it should be a safety net for people who fall on hard times not a long term option. And I've seen people on the checkouts in Asda and in other job in wheel chairs and with disabilities it would have been easier for these people to take the easy way out and say they can't work so hats off to those.
You have a Reform Ltd avatar, you give a bunch of racists £25 a month, I'm not sure how you can explain the reasoning behind that. If you actively support the racists, I'm afraid you will get called a racist.
The phrase “a fool and his money are easily parted” comes to mind, but that’s definitely an insult to fools to use it here. Even a fool wouldn’t give money to a racist millionaire who looks down on anybody not born into a life of privilege and holds Maggie Thatcher as one of his heroes.
It's been posted elsewhere in another thread, but worth doing it again here. How can you support or defend this, let alone send him money. Just watch it all and if you've sent him money, have a really long think about whether there are any causes in the world more worthy of that donation.
The war in Afghanistan helped establish a country where women could go to school and university, get jobs and participate in society. The fact that we are seeing so many asylum applications now reflects the fact that people don't want to live under the barbaric regime of the Taliban. Whether it was our place to enforce Western values upon that country is down to individual conscience, but it doesn't sit right with me that we abandoned those people to their fate. Outside of Afghanistan, Britain's recent foreign policy decisions appear to have had little impact on the number of migrants arriving in dinghies. The second highest number of applications were from Iran, who we haven't invaded recently, nor have we invaded Pakistan, Eritrea, India, Turkey, Sudan, Bangladesh, Syria, Vietnam, or Albania, all of whom had more applications than Iraq. There were only 958 more applications from Iraq than from Brazil.
As others have already replied. Those provided with food (mainly in hotels) get £8.86 per week on a pre-paid card. Those who have to provide their own food get £49.18.
If you flaunt a Reform Ltd avatar next to your name then you must agree with Farage, Tice, 30p, Lowe, and that MP who kicked the s**t out of a woman who are all proven to be racist, then what do you expect people to think of you.
Very interesting stuff. Thanks for that. I agree on Afghanistan. I didn’t agree with our involvement over there. But to practically leave it to the Taliban some years later was an appalling decision. I have zero issue with immigration. And I want our country to be a beacon of hope, a safe haven for those in need. But I also stand by my belief that our involvement in the Middle East for decade after decade has negative consequences that are far reaching.
I'd love to know why migration is a bad thing. Or why it's truly seen as a bad thing by those who vote for far right populist parties. At the weekend, we had a rare chance to spend time in London, so we ventured over to Whitechapel and Spitalfields and did one of our walks which gets off the beaten track. The walk traced aspects of migration since the 1700s. From the Huguenot silk weavers, the Bangladeshi community that made brick lane a go to food destination, the place of worship that had resided Christian's, Jews and Muslim's through it's life and more recent migrant waves of Vietnamese. It's an area of London I love. History and vibrancy and it wouldn't be what it is without years and layers of migration.
Because they’re racist and they see non-white people as poisoning the bloodlines so want to reduce the risk of that happening. They’ll make other excuses up for it, but that’s at the root of it all.
Reform 2025 PLC is now the company name. Fartage is no longer the majority shareholder but there is still no mechanism for subscribers to decide "party" policy and the only people that can get rid of Fartage are the directors, ie him and the Chairman Zia Yusuf. Not exactly what he promised pre-election which was a properly constituted political party where the members decide policy and leadership.
À la Trump, you're not supposed to take what he says literally. Which in reality, translates as, everything he says is a lie.