tbf it's not just o'keefe the whole team has been sloppy all season with **** like this they just need to switch on and concentrate, in the Huddersfield game it cost us the game, we got away with it last night but him and a few others just need to stamp it out and take the safe option, if someone belts one in from 40 yards then fine you accept it but the amount of freebies we've given away this year is a joke
The under hit passes happens but it's the split second hesitation after he's done it I can't get my head round. He must have known he'd done it soon as it left his foot and even then he gets the block in probably could have got a tackle in if he'd gone straight away.
O'Keefe is rightly getting criticised for his mistake, but it's not like it's isolated just to him. DeGevigneys dwelling on the ball where the attacker could have been away but thankfully stumbled over himself was another example. There were loose passes galore, a lack of structure and cohesion. We make poor choices. There was one instant where DeGevigney had come out of defence and O'Keefe was advanced. Our midfield lost the ball and were all ahead of it, but Northampton didn't progress fast enough. Another where O'Keefe lost the ball and ended up where an attacking midfielder should be in the centre of the pitch leaving the right side of defence fully exposed. Numerous times all our midfielders emptied midfield but the pass to take them out of the game didn't materialise. We won, yes, but only just against a team that was extremely poor. It shouldn't nor doesn't paper over the cracks of a team that lacks discipline and structure. That's where coaches should be earning their living.
There was an instance where Watters took it around two players in midfield and instead of running the line he hit it down the line. I still think it was braindead because they can't score without the ball and it would have killed the clock. It's irrelevant but it still annoyed me.
He was already going off, but had he not been he should have been. He made a bad mistake that would have been playing on his mind and Roberts looked like he was going to throttle him. It was good to get him out of the firing line, as Northampton would have gone after him.
With a nod to the fact he was already going to be replaced... The players in this squad go to sleep and turn off far too often. Mistakes are mistakes but the regular occurrence of them suggests something is wrong with concentration. It's the single most contributing factor to why this side cannot usually hold on to a lead. It has to be addressed. O'Keeffe has also demonstrated on a few occasions that he isn't the most level headed on the field so as others have said, he could easily have gone to pieces.
To be fair to O'Keefe the wingbacks position is the most physically demanding in modern football,bad decision are made by tired player's. Clarke had seen it just didn't make the change soon enough unfortunately.
When you say o'keef didn't mean to do it. He should never have gone back towards our goal. He's guilty of thinking he's better than he is. On replay it looked like Roberts was charging in his direction. It was a shocking bit of play and if there's any alternative options he shouldn't get near the team for a while.
In his defence, I think he chose option 3, but executed the pass with all of the power of a plague victim.