I know it's dangerous thinking too much but after reading that time travel thread t'other day. There must have been sumat before the big bang. Also as an aside. Why are we aware?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p09ybz58/universe-series-1-5-the-big-bang-before-the-dawn Try from 32:30
The answer is literally nothing; no space, no time, no matter and no energy. Because there was no time, there was no "before". That's a really difficult concept to get your head around... Oh and no god. Although some physists have talked about a "god particle" and others have talked about some sort of supernatural intelligence that kicked it all off but if that isn't the definition of god then I don't know what is.
I don't buy into the big bang theory simply because, as you have said, where did the stuff come from to create the big bang. As I've related before, I worked for Plymouth Brethren and they believed 100% in the Bible, so everything began with God and Adam and Eve. To them dinosaurs didn't exist. My wife briefly taught in one of their schools and was given strict instructions on what NOT to say. A strange but harmless breed. I'd love to know how everything came about but doubt anyone will ever tell me. Professor Brian Cox is very clever but he confuses me with scientific gobbledygook which more often than not is as convincing as the Bible story.
Many of these scientists we’re supposed to idolise don’t have any great answers of what happened before the Big Bang, just like the average person who has nothing to do with the subject. Brian Cox is sensational at what he does but no Science brain can come up with a clear theory.
There's an element of this that sums up our species. We'll gladly spend large amounts of time on folly, on distraction, on wondering what and if. While in the grand scheme of things we ignore the impact we have with more simple choices. We ignore the damage we do to our planet and the life that resides there. We stand by as hate first festers and builds in some quarters. We're never going to know how our universe began. But we will know how our planet ceases to be habitable. But better to mine asteroids than take hard choices that slow the journey to optimal convenience.
50,000 galaxies an 500,000 smaller galaxies, to be honest i'm happy with the sun an the moon, the sun gives me a sun tan an the moon gives mi cheese for mi toast.
The universe - latest thinking. Most religious leaders and scientists agree on the following… Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel Like a snowball down a mountain, or a carnival balloon Like a carousel that's turning running rings around the moon Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind. That’ll do me.
We may be "living" in a simulation. When you break matter down to the sub-particle level and get into quantum physics - particles behave differently depending on whether you are "looking" at them or not - the famous double slit experiment. Furthermore Information physics suggests that physical reality is made up of bits of information, and quantum mechanics proposes that particles exist in multiple states simultaneously, a phenomenon that quantum computers leverage for their computational power - not proof of multiple universes but could be one of the interpretations for it working. Maybe in one of those universes we have an actual striker playing upfront, imagine that!?! BTW, quantum computing is probably going to be able break every password/crypto key in the world fairly soon, making somewhat redundant the arguments about Apple's security fall out with the UK government recently!
If we are living in a simulation can whoever is running it please re-load the save from the end of the 2021 season and replay the last four years, making better choices on who we appoint as a manager and who we sign