My wife is furious with our neighbour as she is an attractive 25 year old and regularly sunbathes naked in the back garden. Personally I'm on the fence
A man called last night. He was asking for donations for a new swimming pool. I gave him a bucket of water.
I went to see the doctor yesterday. 'I've broken my arm in lots of places' I said. 'Well don't go to those places again' he told me.
Trump: “The Canadians are mining too many minerals, we need to get them to mine less of them” Musk: “Yes, mine fewer” Trump: “Don’t call me that yet”
I was driving down a road the other day when a police officer pulled me up. 'Sir you do realise this is a one-way street?'' 'I think I'm ok officer I was only going one way'
A 67 year old MULTI MILLIONAIRE from Barnsley marries a stunningly beautiful 26 year old woman and takes her down the pub to introduce to his mates.... When his mates see him walk through the door with his new wife they can't believe their eyes "By eck old lad! How av you managed to pull a reyt nice lass like her?" The Yorkshireman replies, "It was easy! I gave her a bit of the old Yorkshire charm and then just lied about my age as well" "Ah I see, so you told her you was fotty?" Asks his friend "No ya daft bugger! I told her I was 90!"
My grand daughter is representing England in the international twanging your ruler on the edge of a desk competition in France. It is being held in the Dordogne.
Sums up the BBC and other mainstream media with regard to Fartage perfectly...