Aww, all very quiet on this thread. Don't worry though BR, I'm sure your fellow lefty morons will be along eventually to help you feel validated. In the meantime head over to the Daily Trump thread where most of those same clowns are spewing out their Guardian/'Independent'-approved opinions, while most of us ignore them and crack on, as we have done since forever. This thread, and indeed all the usual lefty/woke b0ll0cks that have ruined the BBS, exemplify why so few normal folk bother with the BBS these days. Me and all my mates have a look from time to time, just for the comedy value and to remind ourselves how much worse our lives could be if we were as cuckoo as you lot, and I'm sure we're not alone.
Alright petal? You seem very upset about this joke that had presumably almost left the first page of the BBS. Snowflake
Ironically, I believe Trump and Cameron would detest one another. Bit daft getting this worked up over an obvious joke, mate...
Best post on here for a long time gives us normal people something to read sorry I mean far right lol
Why do our right wing friends like to play the victim? Not just on here it’s all over social media…usually complaining you can’t say anything whilst literally saying anything. all very strange really.
Aah bless, did the pub have some brown people in it so you had to come home in disgust and try and entertain yourself? Let’s not forget that you, whilst calling anyone with a view not as strongly right wing as yours a lefty loony, said that you’re right of centre and therefore the Tories lost your vote years ago - implying the Tories under bad Enoch were left of centre! Who gets your vote now? Are Reform a bit too moderate? The EDL maybe? I think I’m fine being grouped in with a load of lefty morons by someone who’s got a history of far right tendencies tbh. And to jump on a post making a joke about David Cameron’s university exploits which other than mentioning his name wasn’t overtly political in nature at all - well, no comment. The fact you refer to you and your mates as ‘normal folk’ - I assume you mean they are all xenophobic, socially impotent, closeted bigots too, yeah? There are plenty of people on here that don’t have left leaning tendencies. They haven’t all decided to go to be an ultra of the other wing, nor to start issuing snide attacks on people’s beliefs either. I’m perfectly aware I’ve done that to you. But I’m happy it’s justified. On the grounds that you clearly want the argument, and because you are a complete bell end, looking for a bite to entertain yourself. Enjoy the game today. Fingers crossed for you that no immigrants are in the team.
I have no idea of your idealisms Stephen, I think it’s probably safe to summise from this post but this might not necessarily fully refer to you - I just ******* love how the far right, Reform supporting white supremacist types all seem to see themselves as ‘normal people’ - whilst anyone with a more moderate / liberal view and socialist ideals are ‘lunatics’, ‘lefty loonies’ and my favourite - ‘woke’. Love what that term has become. It’s a shame more folk aren’t ’woke’. The woke lunatics being those wishing for improvements to all public services, a workable and collaborative immigration policy to make sure key roles are filled and the economy improves to a healthier position, social integration of the communities already here and yet to come, a fair society of equal opportunity which doesn’t offer every possible advantage to the wealthiest only - whilst the normal people in Reform LTD fan club want all t’forriners ‘sending back’, and encourage/hold ‘peaceful protests’ - the law abiding peaceful actions including criminal damage, assault to emergency workers, riot, arson, racially aggravated assault and attempted murder. Normal people and their high jinx eh? The rascals… One example being an anti Muslim protest and an attack on a mosque in Southport - in response to a heinous crime committed by an absolute nutjob - who is a Christian born in Cardiff. I think I’ll stick to being abnormal ta.
I've read this forum for years. Try not to come on after a loss. This is hands down the dumbest post I've ever read. I bet you don't even know what woke means. Muppet.
Now I know why Reform want to abandon the ECHR, and its protection of free speech. Can't make a joke without right whinger snowflakes getting triggered