If the US aren’t interested in being involved in keeping the ‘status quo’ in Europe ask them to vacate all the bases they have their and take their nuclear weapons back to their land. See how safe they feel then ‘with an ocean’ between them when their threat that they can strike the Russians disappears.
How much of those cost increases are due to Russia invading Ukraine in the first place i.e. fuel price increases.
I don't agree with what Putin did, and continues to do. But that doesn't take away from the fact that Russia has warned for over 20 years that they'd act in their self-interest if NATO continued to expand eastward. That's just a fact. Now, you can disagree with what Russia has done (as I do) but you can't say it's the actions of some sort of psychopath when he's been telling the world what he would do if NATO expansion continued. Secondly, Ukraine had a chance for peace with the Minsk accords. That absolute buffoon Johnson put an end to that. The conspiracy theorist in me would argue that Johnson did that as deals weren't yet in place for the carving up of Ukraine post-conflict. That's just my opinion.
And a lot of unemployed soldiers looking to fit in to society again. Would be interesting if US repatriated all their overseas forces
So your saying its OK for Russia to act in its self interests but not Ukraine? They should be forever consigned to limbo due to the paranoia of the Russian leader, destined never to go forwards but stay an economic backwater forever. Thats kind of you to sacrifice Ukranians in that way.
Are you for real? I've said multiple times in this thread that I think Putin's actions were and are disgusting. And that the war needs to stop to save lives. All lives, both Ukrainian and Russian. It's a tragedy. Frankly, I find it disgusting that you'd twist what I said in such a way as to insinuate that I'd offer Ukrainian lives up as some sort of cannon fodder. They shouldn't be in limbo, it needs sorting ASAP.
Out of interest, what punishment do you think Putin/Russia should face for invading a country and killing its citizens? You haven’t mentioned one. You have said that you think they should be able to keep the land they have stolen and that the US should be given £500 billion of minerals for telling Putin he can keep it. Where’s the disincentive to do it again?
Human history is a tale of conquest and killing to be momentarily the masters of land at is resources. Punishment is seldom brought upon the victors.
I don't think he ever said it was morally agreeable. Just that it was not a unforseen development given the Russian stance. The world is not a just and fair place and the geography of where you are born as a huge bearing on your life.
Trumpism isn’t being taken lightly, even by those that voted for him. This is one of several videos showing pushbacks by voters.
Interestingly Putin didn't invade Finland or Sweden. This is a Russia sponsored idea that the reason why they invaded was because of NATO. It wasn't. Putin wants his legacy to be rebuilding the old Soviet Union. And to become a super power again. This is nothing more than a land grab and a way to look powerful to the Russian people.
They also rely on having military stationed in Europe to be able to have any influence, and be able to be close enough to look after all their interests in the middle east. the narrative that the US are simply doing Europe a favour by having a military presence here is garbage - it’s as important to them too. without european bases their world reach and therefore sphere of influence is much less.
Putin is putting in place his Puppets around Europe Fico, Orban already in place and even more frightening the White House Trump and Vance. He is interfering in British politics with Farage. He should have been stopped in when he first started to bully the russian neighbours who were moving away from his malign influence Georgia Moldova etc the annexation of Crimea but he wasn't and now we are paying the price. If we don't stop him now he will rearm continue to try and build his version of the USSR / Russian empire.
'' But that doesn't take away from the fact that Russia has warned for over 20 years that they'd act in their self-interest if NATO continued to expand eastward.'' That would be around the time peaceful Mr Putin was butchering and laying waste to Chechnya...hardly surprising others wanted to join NATO.
I'd sanction the living hell out of him. Starve the Russian economy, then let the good people of Russia do the rest. Whether that would work, I'm not sure. But surely every angle should be exhausted before we start firing bullets? That's all I'm saying.