On the contrary I thought Earl did well on the whole, considering he spent most of the second half doing Lembikisa's work as well as his own!
We nearly threw a 3 goal lead away at home to Crawley, and again today following some bizarre substitutions.
He is a terrible coach, too much tinkering, poor man manager, couldn't even be bothered to come on field afte match yesterday
He certainly did come on the pitch after the match. Straight over to the Ponte End, applauded the fans, walked along the half of the East Strand nearest the Ponte, applauded the fans, then went into the middle of the pitch to shake hands with the ref. Unless there's some other pillock at Oakwell that thinks a red baseball cap and gillet combo is good fashion sense?
Exactly this I said to my dad a minute after he came on he looks asleep cant remember the specific reason but his thinking speed just felt a couple seconds slower in all situations than it needed to be. This made me tune into his movements and he really was woeful hope it was just a very bad off day but it was to the level I really wouldnt want to see him play again makes me nervous I also think when he was on the right there play was coming down the right once he moved to the left they switched it to the left, wasnt a coincidence.
There must be two then because the one I saw was looking right at me from on the pitch. How the hell have you managed to get Clarke in a bright red baseball cap missed up with anyone else at all?
But isn't that once again, mostly the players fault and responsibility ?. They're brought on to do a job, and if/when they aren't good enough, theres usually no other better options. I admit though, Clarke himself isn't without blame either.
Maybe it’s you wanting him to go straight down the tunnel and not acknowledge the fans but the truth is he was stood in front of the ponty clapping us.