Dyson, but not 'our' Dyson, and not the bloke with the overpriced vaccum cleaners, the Dyson with the funeral service in Penistone. Or Pat, surname For Pants.
Hannah Waddingham by the way where is this Admin story from is it just something someone made up or is there any substance to it does anyone know
@Biddy37 has a very reliable informant apparently. George Washington once said "don't belive everything you read on the Internet "
We should know very swiftly as the accounts will be produced soon. If the current owners are unwilling to fund losses, it should be reflected in the notes and a judgement given on the basis of whether the entity is a going concern. There is no debt of note as funding is made on an equity basis, the latest injection just weeks ago. I see no reason why they'd pump in millions then throw all that away a few weeks later.
Administration is not beyond the realms of possibility at some stage. Given the grief the owners get via social media. And It would not surprise me, given their ongoing losses. Investment does not mean they would wish to keep bankrolling the club in the future. Most clubs having gone through administration due to the amount of investment put in. And failing. So 2 options unless someone can add. Make the club self sustainable. Or cut your losses and run. But then lies the question who would want to buy the club given the lease, and stadium/ground assets. Cryne failed to attract many, or if any others willing to buy.
Yeah she is a very versatile star... which means she's rubbish, and that means she's not only rubbish, but she's also rubbish at every single subject!.
TBF, her husband is (allegedly) launching his brand back into Russia already, so they are ahead of the curve and running the risk of being sanctioned at the same time...
When they do decide to go they have a ready made excuse,the fans hate us so we’re off,let some other mugs have a go
As many people on here keep calling for "Everyone to be sacked, from top to bottom, and to start again", he might me a good option.