They wouldn't get hardly anything back, why would they need admin, they'd just put the club up for sale to stand the best chance of recouping as much as possible, they also wouldn't be putting in further cash injections like they have just done?
It's a formal insolvency process. The company has to be insolvent to apply for it. The main benefit of doing so is that it prevents creditors taking action to wind the company up whilst it's being run by an administrator, who has to be a licenced insolvency practitioner. You don't have to be simply "in debt". You have to be unable to meet those debts when they fall due.
So to some up we’ve no debt but we ent a pot to **** in and are losing £8m and have spent nothing on transfers but yes made millions off sales instalments or not? Which is it ?
I think originally, this thread was a tongue in cheek response to another thread suggesting Clarke and Phillips have fallen out.
You have to have debts you cannot pay so the layman’s answer is yes you need a financial obligations you cannot meet. Cash has been injected via shares to consume losses. If you stopped doing that then yeah