But what you don't do is invest millions at the end of January and talk about administration at the beginning of March. Nor do you think, I've had enough of this, I'm going to stop paying the bills and apply for administration. That absolutely assures you lose all your investment. It's a last resort. If the owners have had enough, they'll be looking for a new buyer not looking to take us into administration.
That's why I said not beyond the realms of possibility at some stage. Not as of yet re the op. (As in the future if they keep funding losses) looking for and Getting a buyer is not a guaranteed. (As Patrick I'm led to believe had few enquiries) And certainly not to give em all the money back invested. I know it's not debt as in our last administration. (Given the amount of creditors wanting their money back. Co-op bank was one I believe) But could end up as losses to the investors. Maybe I'm over thinking a little Jay. but the point being they may end up selling the club for a pittance at some stage In the future if it doesn't turn around.
No, I am from Yorkshire. So why is just 'Seen' in dialect but not the rest of your sentence. And anyway, it would probably be better as 'Sin'.
That may very well turn out to be the case. They've invested millions and it's worth basically nothing. But there's no way they would continue to issue and buy more shares if that was going to happen any time soon. Ultimately that might be what happens, their pockets do not have infinite depth and a football club has an insatiable appetite for funds, but it isn't happening right now.
Cos I wanted it to You seem a right laugh. (Cos is shortened from Because, just thought I’d let you know before you go all wet wipe on me)
I agree with that entirely Jay. I may not have put that over well. But it was what I meant. I don't see it happening any time soon btw either.
A think so mucka. Don’t like mi gramma been brought up tut jury mi honor. Mi mam allus sed to put coil darn coil oyle when a wa a kid. Nar am getting stick on ere for not postin reight.
Now that's a word we don't hear enough these days.. Brusque!. Remember when Basil Fawlty came across as being a bit brusque, with Mr Hutchinson (Bernard Cribbins' character).