I've just tried watching last night's Extended Highlights a few times, and received the below error around the 1:04 mark. I get this error on a lot of videos, even live feeds, but it is usually corrected by not clicking the Play or Volume buttons until the video has fully loaded, or hitting refresh. Technical Details: Windows 11 and Chrome. Does anyone else encounter similar errors, or is this a problem with my setup?
I've had that message for the extended highlights Rotherham away game. Had no other issues on other games, so was a little taken aback.
I've never had that. Probably because I never watch any videos through BFC website. It's all round shité.
I just listened to the post-Charlton and pre-Blackpool interview videos, and they worked fine. I tried the Extended Highlights Charlton video again, and it bombed out again at 1:04, so in this case, I believe it's a video issue.