Was ill earlier in the year, may explain some of his performances, but if that was the case surely he shouldn't have been picked? https://www.barnsleychronicle.com/article/31273/humphrys-happy-as-long-as-team-wins-in-goal-wait
Bloody hell, losing 4.5kg in 10 days is horrendous. Hope he's fully mended now and can kick on because before Christmas he looked a decent player, that goal at Cambridge was brilliant.
Didn’t he say in a recent interview that he’d mostly played out wide before coming here, and that playing in a more central role and challenging for headers and such is not what he’s used to, or words to that effect?
He's been dire for the last 5 months, amongst others, I might add. I can't see for the life of me, even if we stuck him wide that he'd be any better.
I think he’s been hit and miss over the season, but more recently seems to have settled into his position and links up well with DKD. He does a lot of work holding the ball up and assisting DKD. If he keeps this up, then we should be looking to extend that contract for next year. Getting decent strikers in isn’t always easy - sometimes you’ve got to focus on keeping the best you already have.
He'll be on a massive contract and he's been unbelievably hit and miss (more miss if we're being honest) Thankyou for the effort but for me i'd be letting him find a new club in the summer.
You’d have thought with Stead on the coaching staff his hold up play would have improved but for me it’s been poor and he always wants to take too many touches before laying it off.
The thing is, players have different preferences, habits and strengths. Some can adapt, some can't... But over time, they'll get used to playing a certain way in a certain position. We're asking someone who openly states he's a winger to play as a target man. He's used to facing play, not have his back to it. There's little wonder he's unable to make the impact we'd all like, and you could understand why his heart may not be in it as much. This isn't a new thing though. We broke Woodrow. We lumped balls at Dike when he wanted the ball played in behind to use his power and pace. You'd think we might realise you should bring in players who are good at the function you want them to fulfil.
I think Jalo should replace him. He needs a run in the team to see if he can deliver on his talent. Having limited jobbing forwards in his way helps no one and just drains cash from the club.