I love how in this instance the idea that Lowe actually did this AND the idea that Nigel made it up because it was looking like Lowe was gonna depose him are equally plausible. I especially love how the plausibility of both those scenarios is just going to harden two factions against each other.
I had a chat with a Reformer on Facebook. He was a nice enough kid, and we didn’t really argue or name call, but I felt he was very low information, and had armed himself with whataboutism and also some ‘facts’ that were very easily debunked - he has 2800 followers. I have to admit, I haven’t studied Reforms manifesto, but if they do have any policies worth airing, they’re relying on the wrong people to spread their ‘good news’, because it’s rare I hear anything other than ‘immigrants’ & ‘two tier policing’.
They never had a proper manifesto. I believe trump junior instead called it a contract with the voter but also admitted that the pie in the sky figures within it were out by tens of billions of pounds as it didn't need to be realistic due to them knowing they had no chance of winning. Yes he actually admitted that
Hopefully as time goes on their lack of genuine ideas will be exposed more and more. If they are serious about wanting power their ideas will be under more scrutiny. The fact that they seem devoid of real ideas will surely mean that they'll not get past any meaningful electoral ceiling. There are a lot of racist morons who will vote for them but I suspect the vast majority will see them for what they really are when they are properly examined. I'm concerned about them, especially if Labour let the working class down, but they've got their electoral limit
It's the way of the world with the Far Right in the UK. The Parties rarely last the distance - the NF, the BNP, UKIP, the Brexit Party and now Reform is heading the same way. This is Reform getting its own back on Lowe's attack on Farage a couple of days ago.
They seem to have found the most effective way to undermine themselves and descend into infighting. The Tories will be delighted.
Another 2 of their policies are bringing back smoking in pubs and selling off the NHS, ho and Trump is king.