Have to agree. Take some turning round too, club is in a right old mess. Rift between fans and owners is growing by the week.
Do Julie or Neerav ever watch our games live? We had six people in our directors box today. Poor showing.
Playing ignorant is what they are. They need to go as well. Full clear out is needed including a change in ownership.
You can't say that though about them, apparently lol. But wait till they sack Clarke and appoint Mick McCarthy, everything will be ok then.
Be careful what you wish for mate, this lot are doing such a fine job...We should just be happy they're in charge and not want anything better, after all we're only little old Barnsley.
It’s kind of predictable but also funny how when we lose some games there is a distance between club and fans but when we’re winning few seem to mention it.
All I’ll say is how on earth do you lose 3-0 at home & no one picks up a yellow card? Personal pride has to come into it.