or £175 grand a week. or £8.4 million a year However you wish to word it. Would love someone to break it down as to what the money is getting on. This really is financial mismanagement of the highest order. Cut your cloth accordingly so the saying goes.
And where exactly would you cut that cloth and what would the implications be in doing so? The biggest expenditure I would imagine is in the playing staff and whilst it could no doubt be trimmed, I'm guessing the Pareto rule may not be far off the mark so the reduction in cost wouldn't make much impact into the losses. If the alternative is to reduce the cost of the 1st team then that probably won't end up well and will bring even greater criticism for the board as cutting cost probably equals cutting quality. It's incredibly difficult for the board to get things right and provide balance and whilst lots of mistakes are being made I suspect it's no different at any other club, it's just some have an element of luck which others don't.
It is nigh on impossible to run a football club without losing money until you manage to get to the elite stages. Just check every other league club and majority will be the same.
Last figures I sawonly 4 clubs in the English leagues made a profit, all 4 was from the PL, Man City, Brighton & Brentford, I think but can’t remember the other was Spurs. Brighton & Brentford were put down to result of player trading, MC due to Company structures as highlighted by Spanish fella recently. The other thing that it showed was that players wages % was significantly higher across the EFL than it was in the PL with the one big real anomaly being Chelsea, highlighting the issue of the difference between TV revenues between EFL/PL. Report will be couple of years old now so things could have changed but highlights the issues football faces.
Player wages - gone up massively, quality of players stayed the same and I just mean in terms of wage growth made no difference to quality of player that’s playing for clubs. Basically football clubs haemorrhaging money to pay in the main very average players yet it’s clubs and owners that are being asked to overspend to keep fairly average players.
In fact there’s some good info in this interview with the CEO of Shrewsbury who points out that clubs got an extra 21% in league one yet wages going out to players went up by 58%
that sounds like the wages for a better than average premier league player. It highlights the chasm that has opened up between the haves and the have nots. Isn't it time to let the "Elite" have their "Super League" and give the sport back to the grass roots?
Start off by trimming the fat. Player wages review. Squad size. Are the very senior members of admin staff paid inflated salaries? We have to get the overall balance right. We are a third tier club but are we paying third tier wages?
Championship clubs have much bigger losses than clubs in League 1. The wages required to compete by far outstrip the extra revenue.
The CEO said the academy was part of the 17 million costs. Google academy costs and it says the Premier league part fund the academies and in return can sign academy lads at a lower fee. This was the case when Patrick said Bfc pay over a million a season to keep it going. The cost must be over 2 million now with the rising costs. Get rid. No academy player would be near the squad if players weren't injured. Stop taking a punt on many players who never play and we pay to loan them out, Dallas, Shaw etc... and Smith was to be the same. Get a goalkeeper to be No 1 and stop loaning in! Buy centre forwards and not wingers. Sormaz, Clarke, coaching team to go along with the academy. Start again with a streamlined club.
The income is less in League 1. The amount is about 7 million as you say. But wages are much higher in the Championship if you want to be competitive and if you look at the losses clubs make, they are much higher in the Championship than league 1.