Yes!! They were going to run through brick walls for him is what he promised, they couldn’t run through a slightly uncut field of grass.
I said yes to this but for better context I think he's lost part of it. I think there is some resentment at Connell being captain, some dissatisfaction from a couple of players around Clarke's selections and constantly playing underperforming players whilst not giving others a chance. Some of the body language between players doesn't point to a happy dressing room.
I feel like this question gets asked every time we have a dip in form (so it’s been quite a few times this season).
Has Clarke lost the dressing room, an interesting question indeed In his defence let's be realistic about the ability of his players Rodgers and Hammerstein couldn't get a tune out of this present bunch let alone any of the present or past great managers, would either I think it was Tommy Docherty who coined the saying...You buy too many lower and non league players that's where you finally end up. Sums Barnsley up to a tee. How anybody can expect anyone in charge of this squad of players to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear is far beyond me. The quality and ability of far too many, falls way too short for what is needed, not only to gain promotion but to stay there. Yet many question the ability and blame Clarke and his coaching team, for our situation, yes i admit they are prone to the odd mistake and are not entirely blameless. Even Robbo in his recent interview alluded to the point that the players aren't good enough. You see it week in week out yourselves, why can't those upstairs see it, most ask, they can but they choose not to, because it doesn't fit in with their agenda of, buy cheap develop and pray they come good, so they can sell at a profit, and that's where we are now at...apart from a couple there's nobody left to sell. We are left with the dregs Unless there's a change of direction, which I can't see happening, any time soon, can you, then id expect things to get worse, and next season relegation becomes more of a necessity than a possibility to rid themselves of players and expenses for being in this division. The future looks bleak ..I'd say
Why is it that whenever we go through a bad spell the old “lost the dressing room” cliche gets rolled out?
Why is this always a question when we lose a football match. Of course he hasn't. We're just not a very good football team.
We av a good few decent players that don't or cant pass a fooookin football, an football being their bread an butter its not good enough. Basic footballing skills.
Any footballer who plays crap cos he’s fell out with his coach shouldn’t be anywhere near our club or any other club for that fact. I don’t believe for a minute the players are not trying and going through the motions due to the dressing room being lost.
It's called motivation,if you go to work but hate your line manager,chances are they won't get 100% out of you.However if you like your manager and he/she commands your respect the opposite will happen.Dont forget we are taking about young men.
Opinions, but i never said ought abart players not trying or ought abart the dressing room been lost, i think we have a few decent players but for some reason cant or dont want to apply any of the ability they have on a matchday.