A Barnsley fan in tears sat in his car "I've just got a text. My sister is dying in hospital. Please let me out" Stewards: "no. rules are rules"
People are **** scared to "leave the script" of what their job is, on fear of being fired - it's the people that write the script/tell the poor sods what to do that's at fault.
He should have phoned 999 and told them he was being kept against his will explained the situation and asked them to get the match commander involved. Also those Stewards should never be in a position to make that decision again common sense says that if you are unable to make the decision to open the gates you go find someone that is very quickly.
Hope this isn’t remotely true. Obviously wrong if remotely true and if remotely true, should have been let out of said car park as a priority.
Yeah, not as serious but I saw a post by a girl (19) on TikTok who had tried to buy a monster energy drink before her shift at The Range, she was in her uniform and the women at the checkout knew her, but refused to sell her the monster without ID. Inexplicable nonsense.