I think it’s quite sad. He’s in his mid 30s - a senior professional - and still playing the pantomime villain to a load of teens and 20 something drunks on a matchday. I suppose all footballers like to be remembered for something, even if it’s not great ability.
Nothing he says and does was as bad as the starving and killing of Irish under various British rules.
To be fair he does try not to - but things leak through. He calls himself a ‘proud Fenian’. He has, on multiple occasions, quoted Bobby Sands in response to being abused by crowds (including his own). He claims not to be anti-British or pro-terrorist but posted photos of himself giving his kids a ‘history lesson’ in a balaclava. There’s nothing wrong with him being republican. There’s nothing wrong with him not wishing to wear a poppy for the reasons he states. However he also has to draw attention to himself by standing away from his team or turning his back on buglers playing the last post. He has to insert pro-IRA language into his repostes. Nemanja Vidic didn’t wear a poppy. Plenty of others. They didn’t get the ‘abuse’ - because they didn’t also exaggerate that to the extent he does. He courts the controversy, he wants the abuse so that he can play the victim. Maybe he isn’t outwardly anti-British in what he says as such, but he has certainly more than implied it and his ‘opinions’ aren’t just in sympathy to the friends and family affected by what went on in the troubles and on Bloody Sunday; but also in support and condonation of terrorist activities by a terrorist organisation. I respect his right to be Irish and not British. I respect his right to condemn the actions of Bloody Sunday and his linking of that to the remembrance poppy. I have no defence of the paras who shot indiscriminately in Bogside. Though it has to be said that in the years of the troubles, accepted figures state the British military were responsible for the deaths of 188 civilians. In the same period the IRA killed at least three times more civilians -and over a thousand servicemen. Wanting an independent Irish state on the whole island and republicanism is fine. Terrorism and killing to achieve it isn’t. He plainly disagrees with his word and actions. He’s a complete t.wat and I will continue to refer to him as such when he glorifies the past actions of those with whom he sympathises.
https://www.instagram.com/share/p/_zzpQ8fOH If you're going to troll, don't **** out of allowing replies on your post.
When his time comes to an end in football if he wants to carry on in some capacity there will be a long line of clubs that won't touch him, such is the amount of enemies and disrespect shown towards other fans and clubs. He might think he's quite funny at the time right now with the adulation at the circus of Wrexham at present, but long term he's retiring himself post playing. Not the brightest of lads
Daily Mail or not, doesn’t change the fact that he’s a horrible **** on the pitch irrespective of his off the pitch stuff.
To be fair, the side he supports have killed more Irish people than anyone else in his lifetime, or his father and grandfather's lifetime for that matter.
He courts controversy. Not exactly a role model for his kids, that's for sure. His slating of a town and the Rotherham fans comment is beyond acceptable. 2 wrongs do not make a right as they say. He made his reasons known As to why he doesn’t take part in remembrance. His perogative. But he had to rise above the abuse. He's made the situation far worse than it should have been. And it ain't going to end anytime soon. I'm a little flabbergasted as to why any club in Britain would employ him tbh. He's not exactly Messi.
I agree, he wants to be controversial, I appreciate he's getting stick from appossing fans but he hasn't helped himself one bit by regularly throwing bait out for nibbles. I mentioned earlier in the thread, practically unemployable after his playing days finish, no club would want the controversy, imagine him as a head coach the pelters and reaction from that.
He gets football clubs fined for fans chastising him but he will get away scot free, and when all is said and done. In this day and age, what he has said amounts to rascism
It's a case of. Oops sorry. Or remove posts. If only the pr1ck engaged his brain afore posting vile comments and photos. Instead of rushing to post. He wouldn't have to. Club captain as well ffs.