**** for England. Sh!te manager. Sh!ter pundit. He oight to just pack football in now n do summat else
I could take the erms if he actually had anything to say but there's no insight whatsover. You can see why he was such a poor manager
I appreciate his graft and wanting to stay in and around football when he’s probably got enough coin to retire and put his feet up. Wonder if a job in the east stand kiosks would appeal to him…
Likewise. I think the amount of stick he gets online at times is a bit much, he just doesn't look or sound like a footballer and yet he was unbelievably talented. He still sounds like a normal working class bloke and I think that's why it's easy for people to take the micky. Don't rate him as a pundit, but he's certainly starting to feel underrated as a player by some now.
To be fair, who's actually been good for England since the 2000s? All toss until relatively recently mate.
England 120 games 53 goals. Hardly **** I'd say. 2nd highest goalscorer. Not bad from a midfielder come striker.
Put him into this squad with a half decent manager he'd have plenty. That 'golden' generation was anything but.
I don't think that's right....I seem to remember him vying for , but not winning the Golden boot in one competition.
7, but don't let facts get in the way. Ripped some serious defenders apart back in Euro 2004 at 18, before his injury He's also not a bad pundit, says it as it is unlike most who are reading off scripts, or don't believe their own words.