Mansfield brought on 5 subs with a combined age of 175 years tonight. Bowery 33 S Quinn 38 Rhodes 35 Flint 35 Dwyer 34 and in their starting 11 included Flinders 38 ex red McLauglin 34 Williams 31 ex red Oshilaja 32 Atkins 36 Plus out injured for the season 36 year old Lee Gregory.
We are the best in world at kick starting a teams woeful form. 2-1 to stags. My bro in law is a stag and said they havent scored wen attacking home end at field mill since like end of november
Wow! likes his older players does Cloughy .....same most places he has been No doubt we will help them out with our usual inept, mistake ridden and God awful second half display. They were very good at our place first 60 mins.