Sick of hearing Blunts and Fowls telling each other their teams PL bound and the other lot aren't it's sickening especially from the jammy fowls.
Thankfully I’ve no contact with any Fowls these days. That comeback was a sickener last night! I could always cope with the Blunts, different breed altogether.
And yet here we are, hardly tearing up trees in the league below, only four years on from sitting in the second tier play off places. Puts the last 4 years' recruitment into perspective.
The last few windows haven’t been as effective, for whatever reason (I think that boils down to funding, personally) but in the last four years? It’s difficult to understand fully, why we seem to be regressing each year. There’ll be a variety of reasons I guess. But watching the Championship this year, the drop-off in quality is noticeable. Not that I’d expect us to have thrived up there. But it’d be nice to have the opportunity again!
Year on year regression caused by too much interference in the football side of things, dictating playing style etc by people not qualified to interfere in such things all in the name of maximising player sales profit. Also hiring a statistical analyst to be DoF and Head of recruitment whose got about 2 in 20 signings right and I'm not sure those 2 were his picks.