Someone or something we don't have to get emotionally involved with. If we don't like it press delete, if we do then press refresh.
That's about as legitimate as everything else I've ever seen that comes from AI. People are using these novelty text prediction tools to diagnose their own illnesses and following the advice they are given. They're used by local authorities to assess EHCP applications. If you want to know how good AI is, and I mean any AI, they're all the same, don't ask it for information on a subject you're trying to learn, ask it about something you know really well. You'll then see what a waste of time it is.
Dont know why everyone is complaining... looks a pretty good team for this level Who on earth is nicky Thomas. Maybe an AI mish-mash of nicky cadden and luke Thomas?!
Former executive director of Sex Professionals of Canada (
It has its uses in specific contexts where tools are adapted for a particular purpose. The problem is that many of the uses people and businesses are putting AI to are not that, and the tools are used by people who don't properly understand the capabilities and limitations of what they're deploying. Which as you point out is rather dangerous.