"Yes, if we appoint a manager who will get us promoted" - how would we know - also we need the squad improving significantly to have a chance of promotion regardless as to who the manager is. Im almost certainly renewing but if I dont it will be because its economic nonsense given the number of matches we've actually played on Saturdays this season as Midweek games dont work for me
If I get one it won't be early bird. A summer of intent might sway me into a last minute, which will mean a move away from the current seat, which I quite like. Otherwise, it will be POTD, which is OK, as the last two seasons I did that, we went up.
I honestly don't know. Looks like my son won't be renewing. A large part of the reason I'm still going is the chance to meet up with him. The standard of football, plus results, plus poor match day experience makes it less and less appealing to get one and be sat on my own for the majority of matches.
Yes, deffo renewing, as disappointing as it’s been, my world doesn’t fall apart when we lose or things aren’t going so well. Anyway, Tesco’s on a Saturday is more depressing than Oakwell
Despite everything I still enjoy going to the match and its time spent with my Dad, sister, niece and my son. Without a doubt I'll be renewing
Stuck in two minds due to a living relocation. Probably erring on the side of yes though, as mentioned by others it’s more so the time with family than the results that make my Saturdays.
Had one this year for first time since moving out of Barnsley and the extra travelling about plus the poor football isn't enough to keep me going. I am also hoping to be moving into a new job come September which would mean I have to work more weekends so no point with a season ticket
Didn't have one this year for first time in about 30 years. Won't be getting one next season. Have enjoyed having Saturday to do other things (with travel it's a good 6hrs commitment if I go to game, so the day is done with). Plus the entertainment value is diminished to such an extent that I was getting no enjoyment (the football and the atmosphere).
Not renewing this year, my kids not interested as much now & my dad's finding it tough so going to pay as you go. Hopefully get to a fair few games and try different areas as I've been sat in upper East since 2017
The “No, because it’s a 11K mile round trip” option was not available, but it’s No from me. I do worry more about how the Sky deal affects season ticket sales, than the state of the club. I don’t mind games at midday on a Tuesday, but I hate 4:30 on a Saturday. I find it very annoying for UK based fans who want a season ticket.