Still waiting for our blue bin to be collected from the 11th Feb. Whoever is responsible is fc uk ing wn ak at their job.
As posted at 9:06 this morning,I was right, bin not emptied.I am right then in thinking that the council are breaking my council tax requirements for which I pay promptly by direct debit every month.Would it be pertinent for me to stop this direct debit and pay my council tax bill when they have fulfilled all of their duties.
I'm not certain but I seem to remember that it was originally put out to tender and the in house council team won the contract.
You want to withhold payment to adult and children's social care because your bin hasn't been emptied?
I've searched the contracts registers and all I can find is a contract for the recycling centres, a contract for supplying bins, one for supplying bin lorries and one for collecting green bins from homes march to November. I can't find any for the collection of the grey, blue or brown bins though
The waste collection service is council employees - the only agency staff used are on casual hours and will be sourced by the council via either Duttons, Forde, Multi Task or Temploy agencies. They are employed on a day to day basis depending on the needs of the business. However, these agency workers will all have to work under the new Health and Safety directive recently impletemend by BMBC - so the agencies themselves will have no bearing on the bins being left. ST is correct in that a third party supplied the actual bins, the vehicles and where the waste goes - but again they will have no bearing on the collections themselves. Also, less than £1 of your council tax goes on waste - it mostly goes on social care, schools, hospitals etc. That's the latest update from my mole.
I didn’t think the Council were allowed to put a tender in for Services they’d put out To Tender? I say this because the Lampost memorial plates and floral displays, Had to be put out to Tender because the income they generated exceeded a certain amount, ( £60k, but not too sure of that) The council weren’t allowed to submit a tender. Consequently the prices have doubled from what they were
Plenty of info here if you’re remotely interested in the contracts and tenders at BMBC:
Surely it being safer is good for the workers? It’s not good for people whose bins aren’t being collected obviously but it seems weird for those on the job to protest against safety. Normally it’s workers having to protest being made to do dangerous stuff to make them work faster.
I think it's because it isn't really any safer, it's just slowing them down and meaning they've got to work much longer hours Although I'd say something is drastically wrong with training regarding bin collections in Barnsley based on the fact a bin lorry in the town crashed once every three weeks there or there abouts last year and it wasn't a bad year, in 2022 it was one every 7.5 working days.
I've just found out you're allowed extra Brown and Blue bins (upto 3 of each). We have an extra Grey already that we had to have someone come out and check we were entitled to. But for Blue and Brown you can have upto 3 of each. I've ordered an extra Brown for all the plastic waste we generate. Not sure if this helps anyone but it was news to me anyway.
Here's the delay that's now designed into the system: Our extra teams have been working hard to support our crews as they not only recover progress on collections but also get fully up to speed with their health and safety training as part of our Be Safe, Work Safe, Target Zero programme. Since we started the programme we've seen a reduction in avoidable accidents, which is good news. It does mean that crews are working more safely, but slower. This is something we're factoring into our collection schedules going forward.
Aye. They are now only allowed to move 1 bin at a time and only do one side of the street so they are not crossing the road
Came from one of the bin men, thought they were leaving the bins again as they were only doing one side and he said they have to do one side and then the other so have to go up and back down. Seen a few crews doing it since as well
Never heard that. Only see loading 2 at a time and crossing to other side. Being a driving instructor i see it daily