Earnt loadsamoney, spent it all without paying any tax, then when big bad mr hmrc came calling he had no money left to pay them without slumming it, so takes easy celeb way out. I'm sure he's not actually skint. Probably about it?
Similar happening to Mervyn King, the darts player. Didn’t realise (he says) that his £2,000,000 winnings counted as earnings over his career. Owes HRMC a fortune and likely to lose his home etc etc. I’ve little sympathy.
It really is pathetic. A trusted accountant would work out all the loopholes in the system to the extent legal, and make sure debts are paid. No sympathy from me, as he will have afforded all the luxuries he attained. Embarrassed. Only cos he's got caught. Owing the taxman.
Not that I complain about paying tax but for us mere mortals it is taken before we see it as PAYE. I have no sympathy whatever with tax cheats whether rich or poor, throw the book at them. Make them pay double.
He will be bankrupt the as Katy Price etc al everything in his wife and kids name no way is he skint.cant wait to see the tabloids printing pics of him sleeping rough and queuing at food banks.
Wouldn't be surprised if he's back riding over here for next 4 or 5 years. He needed an excuse to come back.
What's the difference between tax dodging, and tax avoidance ?. Jimmy Carr seems to know all the answers.
He gave up over here because he wasn't really good enough at top level any more. He then started in America as his paymasters have a lot of horses out there and I presume the competition isn't as hot. Bit like Beckham, Messi, Rooney in football terms.
No,UTC. Frankie owes HMRC the money as a civil debt he is (apparently) unable to pay. His advisers have been unable to reach an agreement for payment with HMRC. Lester (through his advisers) reached an agreement. He then wrote a cheque in settlement on an account he hadn't declared during the investigation. Oops! Three years at Her Majesty's!