Clearly lame in the paddock. I despise the industry & don’t claim to know too much about horses. Could be physical or neurological. How the fck did his owner & trainer allow this horse to run? Shame on you fcking all..
One for you. Corbetts Cross. Have a look at that beautiful animal, before you lay you next bet.. But I believe people like you are beyond help.
I think that the relationship between horse & human can be, & of often is, truly beautiful. I believe that. You can see it in the evolution of both species. Some horses are born to run & it’s good for them. & have a human companion to keep them safe in the modern age.. I love to see a horse at full gallop, but to make a self interested industry from that is obscene & morally bankrupt.. I used to watch racing as a kid, just to see the beauty & elegance of a graceful animal in prime health & speed. Now I can’t bare to look & don’t believe many gamblers see that at all, as they pick up their ‘winnings’, or curse their luck..
If you have a view about issues that's entirely up to you but please don't patronise me by generalising about 'people like you' and claiming that you know enough about me to suggest I'm 'beyond help'. It really is very rude, does nothing for your argument and, I would suggest, makes people less inclined to engage with you.
That was replied by mistake. Meant for Orsencnt. My ‘issues’ are hardly new. I have been shouted down many times over the years. Over racing & killing horses. But please don’t bother trying to argue with me, save your breath. My convictions are sound, thank you.. Up the Reds..
Springwell Bay lost his life just after 2pm Thursday. Very sad. You can have your view, you aren’t alone in it - but why are you creating a thread about it two and a half days later? I’m not going to get into any moral argument with you - if you excuse the pun I do have a ‘horse in the race’ given my wife works for a bookmaker - but could I ask, what would be your solution? What would PETA or anyone else suggest? Because if you banned horse racing today, then there’d be 20,000 people directly employed in racing out of work tomorrow. Another 100,000 people work in the betting industry (which would survive without racing but in a much smaller form), you’d likely be looking at a number in six figures being made unemployed instantly. And there’s knock on effects too, other industries effected (hospitality, breweries, all sorts). But even forgetting economic catastrophe - what do you think would happen to the horses? Genuine question, what would you do? Ban altogether?
In short, yes. Total ban. Let people spunk their money on other sports instead. They’ll find something else. There really is no argument to justify risking a horses life.
So how much risk of death would you think there is to a racehorse carrying on racing, compared to the risk of death by killing the industry dead? There are roughly 200 horse deaths on uk racecourses annually. They aren’t all British horses, of course many of those are Irish registered and some France and so on. There are at any one time about 15,000 registered uk racehorses in training in the uk, slightly less than that in Ireland but still five figures. France similar. Loads all around Europe too who all race periodically in the uk. So the pool of horses from which the 200 come is well in excess of 100,000 horses. There are c.10,000 races ran in the U.K. every year from about 1500 fixtures. I’m not saying I think 200 deaths on course is fine. Of course it isn’t. But how many of the thousands and thousands of horses bred and registered solely to race would be quickly euthanised, or sold for meat/petfood, or - arguably even worse - abandoned or neglected, if racing was removed? Do you think the people who you deem so unscrupulous in their motivations for being involved in racing would all of a sudden have a crisis of conscience, and keep all their horses as pets? With all the massive requisite cost? Keep them in their expensive scientifically designed diets, heated and lit stables, in many cases dedicated stable lad/lass? Racehorses are treated better day to day than any domesticated animal, with lives your average pony couldn’t even dream of. I respect people having a moral stance on racing - as I do people who are vegan etc, fair play. It’s an understandable stance. But if you think banning racing would save horses lives as opposed to actually cost them, you are somewhere between blinkeredly naive, and absolutely cuckoo. And that’s the horses that are here now, living and stabled. If there was a global ban on racing - (and I don’t know your view on other equine sports, nor horses used in work for other purposes like policing, or even riding generally) - then there’s a very good chance the Thouroughbred breed would go extinct or close to it. They wouldn’t survive in the wild as they’re too pampered, and who would breed them and keep them? For what purpose? Racing income has also funded a lot of breakthroughs in equine veterinary science, loss of funding means loss of expertise. You’d be costing future development in healthcare for horses. Forget the economic disaster killing racing would cause - killing racing would be disastrous for horses. Your morals may be admirable - but the thinking is fundamentally flawed. You are taking an idealistic view, seeing something as black and white when there are an infinite number of shades of grey in every aspect. Banning racing might seem virtuous and kind - but it would actually be cruel and catastrophic; inevitably costing the lives of horses who have had their purpose taken away, whilst simultaneously costing the livelihoods of many thousands of people.
I wish people would realise these horses are bread to race and steeple chase. If they weren't running over fences they wouldn't be alive in the first place...fact. No racing. No race horses. The do gooders would rather have the extinction of a full breed for a moment of fame. Short sighted twonks.
That's the same argument they use for pack hounds. It would only be one generation that suffered 'cos as you say, no racing ( or hunting), no breeding.