Look I dislike the blunts( not quite as much as the s6 mob) as much as the next man. I've just listened to the post match interview on radio dee dar and God I wish we could find a coach/manager with passion that blokes got his club. He talks about been in our position mid league 1 in 2016 and how far behind the other lot they were he doesn't gloat just talks aload of sense. Just shows get right man and make good decisions because they have had to sell if hasn't been bankrolled with multi millions. Give it listen no idea how to do links and see if you agree
Of course they have spent money on wages and transfers but they certainly didn't do a Birmingham to get out of league 1. Sometimes we need to put our dislike for certain clubs and look at what they've achieved and why.
Look if don't want to listen to it don't it's a free world. Since that bloke walked into that club he's worked miracles. I remember sitting in Bramhall lane lin 2016 laughing at them because we were going to the playoffs and they were spending another year in the pub league and enjoyed it immensely. We have been there equal and quite often the better of them in recent time we are now miles behind them.
They spent 3yrs in the prem that's around 450 million and they have sold players too. Example they spent 3m Cooper 2m on Burrows it's chicken feed I know they spent proper money in January on a couple but they were in strong position without them. Look I hope they fall flat on there face but can't deny he's done a very good job that's just daft.
Don’t get your knickers in a twist. I was jokingly referring to the fact that he does tend to go on a bit in interviews.
He’s just perfect for Sheff Utd isn’t he? I love seeing him in the pub with the fans singing the songs, I’m jealous to be honest. I loved it when Hecky was in charge & we had Roberts at the back & Cryne running the club. It feels more special to me when your own are representing the club.
There's been clubs that have spent more money than the blunts and made a complete mess of things. You have admit, Wider knows how to win games, as he said "3 ways up, over or through stick your data where you like"
He's done brilliant at Sheffield united, he did very well at the clubs before he joined them initally too. And I love it even more that they've beaten the piggies.
They didnt spend a lot to get out of league 1. only spent a lot recently becuase they got to the prem without hardly spening owt and now they have the cash
I disliked Utd immensely after the Morgan incident. However they did get their comeuppance when we sent them down. That lot from Hillshaveeyesborough, though. Can't stand the tinpot lot.