We used to be the best at pressing. We used to have a playing style. We now seem to have f*** all. I accept all that’s been said about Mladen and he should also go, but fitness, fight and discipline comes from the head coach.
The current squad couldn't successfully implement a high pressing game against an over 60s walking football team never mind a professional team in L1.
Third tier English footballers are gifted but obviously not amongst the most gifted in the world. So what they lack in talent should be compensated in effort. When neither is on display, that’s a problem. Worse still, players, who do have better levels of ability, going backwards such as Connell and Philips. From an outsider looking in, it’s almost as if talent, effort and fitness are being, inadvertently, coached out of them. I really, really want Hourihane to succeed but I have my reservations when he has been a part of overseeing this slide.