That’s not really true. Their last accounts for their second year back in the Championship show a loss of £31m and a wage bill of close to £50m. The year they won promotion to the prem (2019) they lost £21m and spent £40m on wages. They have been successful but the success has not been done on the cheap.
best point he made was that he's there to win whichever way is necessary long ball, short pass, counter attack, too many coaches get wedded to one stupid system and can't see the wood for the trees, YOUR JOB IS TO WIN FOOTBALL MATCHES!! having just a plan A is a massive weakness, it's easy for opposition to setup because they know what to expect, every team we play know exactly how we are gunna play every single week
Yep that would be perfect. Give him the tools to do the job a long term plan not lurching from one disaster to another. It's not going to happen but I would love someone to speak about our club like Wilder does about his.
Just listening to a clip of him going on about Sheff Wednesdays after the game, bit embarrassing really. He sounds like a bitter angry man, I hope Burnley go up.
I like him and i enjoyed his rant after the match and the subsequent videos coming out about him celebrating with fans in the pub. He clearly loves the club being a local lad and a fan from a young age, and he does get a lot of stick off Weds fans so giving it them back should be expected. I wish we had a manager as passionate about the club. I really do.
Shock team that has spent 100s of millions and has a massive wage bill is successful. Wilder comes across S petty and spiteful.
Echo what others have said about having someone in charge who is connected to the club and loves it. Works well with the fact that he seems to get them winning games even when they don’t play particularly well. What him and Danny Rohl do have in common is their ability to yap. I obviously don’t listen to their interviews but every time something gets brought up about them, they seem to have done a 16/18/20 minute interview. Listening to radio Sheffield leaving Oakwell, their interviews can sometimes be the entire journey home.
Absolutely criminal we let go of Hecky. He didn't want to leave ,and we could have kept him here , and built a great foundation. With the right investment we could have moved forward. We took the option to go backwards,we have not stopped either. We are on a downward spiral ,and I can't see where BFC are going to change this. The season ticket sales will plummet ,just watch ,fans have had enough.
He has done well at a club with hundreds of millions of pounds from recent seasons in the Premier League, plus parachute payments before they go back up for more riches.
Ironically, one of the reasons Hecky left, was that he unhappy that he had more responsibilities, then just his head coach role, when he was with us. He made it known that his workload was excessive. He would be a great fit for us now with us having a DOF a secretary and their assistant and 3 other assistant coaches to share the load.
I agree. He's at a level way above us now, sadly. We're not seeing him back at Oakwell any time soon.
I get where your coming from but he's only at Preston let's show abit of ambition. It will cost but doesn't keep employing cheap options that we sack in less than a season and have to pay up. Get the right man pay him the money have a plan they all agree on. Look it maybe pie in the sky from me but we are floundering losing money hand over fist we need to do something different and quickly.
That's where the ambition comes in Preston are a mid table championship club and I get we are nowhere near that at the moment. When asked Neerav stated that's the ambition is to be a established championship club time to stop talking and start doing things that make that possible.
Nah I don’t care either way. I have lots f blades supporting mates and wish them every success as they have been through a lot of lean times. Same for Wednesday. I know we are all supposed to hate each other but I’m happy for any Yorkshire team to do well. Doesn’t stop Wilder lacking any sort of class.
the owners put extra money in to buy better players, but I'm sure they're local and won't be asking for it back- a la Cryne.