This is a day of shame - that a Labour government (yes that's right a Labour government) should be deliberately targeting ill, weak and vulnerable people to balance the books is an absolute disgrace. This WILL cause hardship, fear and suicide for many people. No genuine excuses at all for this - its unparallelled cruelty to vast swathes of people who are marginalized already. I'm never voting for these red Tories again. 'We're not going to do austerity 2.0' my arse. Starmer, Reeves and Kendall have no right to call themselves Labour politicians.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to help people who are unable to work with their needs whilst at the same time reducing or removing benefits from the pillockers. If resources are going to be allocated to help people who genuinely need it then brilliant, that’s how it should be 100%. I’m certainly no Labour supporter but to me it seems that this is an area that needs review and I don’t think they’re going to be cutting resource for the genuine people. Saying that, I believe that any modern day political party in this country is too weak to carry this out in any meaningful and fair way so I reckon this is a non starting gimmick.
Not happy with the workers rights bill or extra billions going in to the NHS to support people back to work? Those who need welfare are protected and will still receive it and those who can be helped to work will be given the tools to do so...
Well at least they’ve not done what the Tories generally do. That is, cut at the lower end whilst looking after their rich friends at the other.
Perhaps you should have stayed on at school, you may have learned the difference between "been" and " being".
I think what was announced today sounds perfectly reasonable. Removing incapacity benefit from under 22's and changing the threshold to claim PIP to four points on a twelve point scale doesn't seem unreasonable. At the same time they're removing the work capability assessments from UC, giving it an above inflation increase, and removing the need for those with long term conditions to be reassessed.
Utter tripe. Smokescreen for punishing the weakest. Just because the red Tories claim they are genuinely concerned doesn't mean they are telling the truth. Lap up the propaganda all you like. This Labour Government is doing something even the real Tories didn't do. Fact. Sometimes one has to face truths or think for oneself. I completely stand by my comments. Support it all you like if you think its sensible, fair, kind and humanitarian. We'll have to agree to differ.
Tripe? It's all available online isn't it? 26 billion more in to the NHS and the brilliant workers rights bill that will support workers. There's also a renters bill to support those renting and lots of work being done around opportunity for young people so they don't end up reliant on welfare. It seems you would prefer to get your knickers in a twist and moan over offering opportunity and support to rebuild the country whilst supporting those who need it.
When I used the word 'tripe' I was referring to your last paragraph so dont get your knickers in a twist about it will you my old patronising 'pal'? Youre towing the party line because you wear a Starmer red rosette.'opportunity and support' is code for cutting peoples' lifelines and sending countless knows how many into poverty, further ill-health and potential suicide. Read what the JRF says, read what the Resolution Foundation says, read what MIND and other mental health organizations say about this cruelty and then come back and patronise me some more...
Short memory some on here. The labour policy has some merit. I just hope lots don't get trapped. Copied The Tory blueprint: fund a cruel system, not the disabled people it punishes | Frances Ryan
There's a problem to fix - why are a higher percentage of people of working age not working in this country than in others? The key question is whether you think this will fix that problem. Or whether you advocate just accepting it exists and ultimately either putting taxes up or moving money from somewhere else to it. Reading it it sounds reasonable and a pretty balanced give and take set of changes. But no doubt I'll get called a closet Tory etc etc
Don't think you said anything wrong. I don't know if I agree with you or not as I haven't yet read up on it all, but no problem with the way you expressed your opinion.
That’s another conversation altogether. Everyone paying tax is an absolute must for the shirking fuckers at the top. All avenues need to be sorted.
Reading this my girlfriend will be OK. You couldn't find anyone much more severely disabled. HOWEVER. Anyone in her state who registers in future will be far worse off. I'm not anti Labour. I've voted for them all my life, pretty much. As an 18 year old I voted SDP in 1983 and voted Green at the local elections. They won, as it happened in Headingley. There have been good moves on workers rights and inheritance tax for farmers IMO. I'm not against farmers, but as a business person myself I don't get that help and Clarkson backing the protest is hilarious, as he admitted himself it was a loophole around IHT. This though is truly not the way around the problem of getting people back to work. Legislation to stop companies sacking ill people might have been a start and proper back to work schemes. Sadly I'm not seeing that. Just stuff to appeal to possible Reform defectors. Shameful.