The top 50% of income tax payer receive 74.5% of total income (20/21). However the top 50% also pay 90.5% of the total income tax. The top 1% receive 12.5% of total income However the top 1% were liable for 29.1% of total income tax. Who isn't paying their share of tax?
What is the percentage of total income you mention? Of a tax payer's own personal income or national income compiled?
The top 1% should be covering more than 30% of the tax burden, frankly. Not talking about income though, I'm talking about wealth.
Problem is most people don't realise how fking wealthy, wealthy people are. I suspect most still think that they're talking about them and their middle income earnings, which granted, might be fairly generous compared to many, but are a drop in the ocean compared to the wealthy. Current Duke of Westminster inhereted £9bn in 2016 when his Dad died. Inheretence tax paid? £0.00
Don't start me on the tax dodging monarchy! Yet it's another example where people who are in low levels of income support royals and the super wealthy not having to pay higher levels of tax. You have to hand it to the gentry and super rich, it's a heck of a con trick they've pulled off.
As i've mentioned before, this was the first general election i didnt vote Labour. Showed their disdain for the working class during Covid. This is more of the same. No thanks.
Labour are a set of complete aseroles and I cannot see me voting for them ever again fck em. You see Tories, it's easy done. Bring back Scargill and Cobyn.
Same. Unless it's a tactical vote. I voted Green in 2019 (I think), and will probably do so again. Unless I need to vote to keep the racists out.
Most on here would never admit it, but both parties are now very similar apart from a few minor tweaks here and there. People are deluding themselves if they think Labour are for the working people anymore, they just can't see through it - yet!!
People see “tax the rich” and think “but i want to be rich one day so that will apply to me then” without realising that what we’re talking about won’t apply to them even if they won the lottery 10 times in a row
I think if the Tories had got back in or in some sort of coalition they would be having to do the same thing as Labour are doing now. A poisoned chalice gifted from previous governments and all that's been going on over the last 15 years. But it's difficult to govern and drive the economy when your handed the keys and you've gone and tied one hand behind your own back. Labour haven't given themselves much wriggle room with their election manifesto pledges. I don't know what happens if they ignore them and start increasing taxes across the board to balance the budget, do they have to call a general election?
None of them look after the working class... I've always felt the work shy or the very rich get looked after depending on who you vote. Not the working man.
It's a fact but it completely ignores all kinds of relevant points such as tax brackets, the diminishing marginal utility of money, the fact that those at the very top don't receive their wealth via taxable income etc etc. It's pointless and adds nothing meaningful.