I’m also wondering. We left pretty sharpish once the whistle went, too wet. Looks like the players have come over and a fan (or 2) has had some words.
Two guys thought it would be a good idea to start spouting at the players so Mael came across to talk to them. Pines came across to make sure he was ok and Connor came to em too, wouldn't mind but I bet they've never played football in their life and I don't suppose anybody gives them grief about the 'job' they do, if any!! As bad as the football is at times nobody deserves that
Two absolute pillocks who looked to be on something, or absolutely hammered, were gesturing for the players to come over. MDG did to see what they wanted and they started having a right go at him. Pines came over to see what was happening and to support MDG (didn’t say or do anything, just stood with him) and Hourihane came and spoke to one of them who started mouthing at him. Hourihane shook his hand and encouraged MDG and Pines away. He then walked with MDG and spoke with him and patted him on the back.
What I don't understand is why did the stewards step out of the way and allow them to go through the barrier?
I've no idea, I left after 65 minutes. After yet another abject performance by players earning very good money week in week out, who under perform every week.
My caveat is though however, i do not condone hooligan behaviour towards any of our players. If you're that pissed off with their performance, just leave like i did. It's that easy to do. Although I did get p*ss wet through walking back into town.
At the moment CH is the last bloke anyone should be having a pop at. The culprits were in the dry, if they were even there, that is.
I genuinely do not like the fact this current board are happily, and are willingly going to throw a club legend like Hourihane under the bus. It's cowardly that they cannot own up and admit they've dropped a boll*ck this season, and the drop off in the league is down to their sh*t show of recruitment. Top 3/4 squad my derriere. With that opinion, they ought to consider stand up.