What kind of response is that? I've just drawn 2 comparisons between 2 ownerships, what's your expectation level of where we should be?
I'm not sure why he's responding like this tbf. Winning a trophy isn't an admission that you're crap - I genuinely don't get the responses. There must be something personal he has with Cryne. Hope all is well SD.
Thats the question Rob Staton missed out on on his recent interview.I can only think its based on some historical debt.
So you set your expectations based on finishing there about 5 times in 138 years, that's about 3.5%, you must be constantly disappointed even a promotion and a mid table championship finish must be a let down
Yes. It's the only time since John Dennis we were top six Championship. Who would you rather be now? Bristol City (haven't proof read this) or us? Steve Landsdowne, self made millionaire/ billionaire. New stadium or us?
Again, conveniently ignoring the worst season in living memory that followed it under the same regime, and which would have resulted in administration if allowed to continue. Not sure what the last bit is trying to ask. Why are Bristol City of any relevance to our situation?
It wasn't the normal though, history shows that, we rank 44th out of 92 clubs based on points and league positions, that puts us bottom of the championship. We had a few years in 2 spells 78-82 and 97-2000 where we punched, followed by administration and some dreadful years. So if you measured Patrick Cryne's time at the club 15 years within 138, the stats prove it was a success in an ever increasing financially challenging market. Sold the club with a positive cash balance sheet.
Thanks for your post but I'll take Gary Fleming, Darren Barnard, Chris Barker, John Curtis (loan) , Nicky Eaden, David Mulligan and Gerry Taggert. Over f cuking Corey O'Keefe 365 days of the year and there's been a lot of those (days and years). Clubs rotten to the core.
The club was carrying two historical debts at 31 May 2023. The three million debt to Oakwell Holdings in respect of the settled legal case regarding the takeover and Covid Loans of £2m. The debt to Oakwell Holdings is a soft debt with zero interest. Covid loans being repaid at just over £800k pa. Repayment of debt does not impact operating profit.