Who's your number 1 choice? I have mixed feelings about Warne but I wouldn't necessarily be against him. Duff would still be my first choice by a country mile.
That’s true. Same applies to players - the longer you’re without a club, you become the forgotten man and it’s harder to get back in. I think for managers, it’s accepted that most will wait until after Christmas or the summer due to being paid out contractually.
The big name I think that’s been missed from all of this, is Ian Evatt. Not saying he’s the man for us, but he fits the talk of a recently sacked manager. He commuted every day from Chesterfield to Bolton, so Barnsley would be a nice local job for him. And his assistant is already here - Matt Gilks……..
would make too much sense for us to probably be interested! PW as manager, CH as assistant to continue learning his trade. Pffff we would probably put the decimal point in the wrong place if we ran the numbers!
He wasn't he was sacked because instead of being grateful to us for giving him his biggest break in management, he touted himself to other clubs, so wasn't fully committed to us.
Yeah it won't be Warne.. he doesn't and never has played that ' attacking front foot football' Neerav is always on about.. Valball..
Warne had a transfer embargo at derby yes they could pay big wages but he could only sign free transfers. Not a easy league to get out of this one.
Just a reminder that the club never lodged a complaint with the fa about the alleged illegal tapping up of our manager
Yeah Duff would be my choice, out of those who I'd class as realistic targets. I don't think Warne is though. And I do reckon that we've got a poor reputation now though, because of how these owners run things. Duff's worked with them before, but I wonder if thats a good or a bad thing!.
If it's purely promotion we are after, then Warne is the best choice by far. No one else realistic and available has more L1 promotions under their belts than he does. He's also used to working with small budgets or under financial restraints too. But if the goal is to get back to high press and high energy entertaining football, then Warne is not the answer. Duff suits that model a lot better, or you have to go abroad again for another Stendel.
I would like to think Warne is possible mate. Not the best style of football but will get us rigid and efficient! Duff or Warne will be good appointments for us