Anyone just seen this story on the news? I can’t get my head around this being legal. As someone who struggles with mental health, I try not to make decisions when I’m not in a good place. I’d hate to instruct someone to take my life at such a time. Her poor family are in bits.
Terrible terrible shame for all the family concerned - shows how little life is considered as precious - especially where there’s money to be made
Shows just how tricky the discussion on assisted suicide and right to die is. If a family are estranged do they have a right to be informed? Consulted even? Genuinely have absolutely no idea
If this story has been reported correctly, I don't think it is OK. Having suffered from mental health issues for long periods of my life, and often wanted to die, I know from personal experience that you can get better. It's hard and often desperate, but you can. I strongly believe that this option should only be open to people who have no hope of recovery. I do believe this option should be open, but not for this. I know how horrendous depression can feel, but it doesn't have to be terminal, there can be a way out.
According to the news item tonight, it’s not the first time it’s happened. They interviewed another family that had been to the same place.