Anyone got one? Had mine about 13 years and I'm blowed if I know how to set it up. Sometimes I get a great sound out of it. Other times - meh! An awful lot of options on there - anyone know how to get the best out of it?
Right click on the totating wombulator, just to the left of and behind the "Open Gibbox" button. This will open a sub-menu, from which you can choose the "Reset All Ramblists" option. You then have the choice of restoring all default slobules, which will ensure that nothing will work, or you can individually configure each flangulo in turn. This should work, unless you inadvertently scrabble the luxusbob, in which case you simply need to restore the last known working thramble. Good luck, and whatever you do don't be tempted to rejoggilate the crongle lever.
The Fisher Price amp, built for baby guitar players. They’re out there cheap, when kids progress to better kit. I would offer you my AC15, apparently once belonged to Richard Hawley? But have just gave it to the Peter Perrett band on a permanent loan.. Of you think you’re ready for a grown up amp, this is local & fairly priced.. Don’t be confused by low wattage, these things are fcking LOUD.. the Beatles used them way before full PA was a thing. I used Noel’s for recording. Les Paul head against the cab & teasing & playing high volume feedback. Amp stood still, but it rattled everything else. Felt it through my feet, legs, balls, chest to head. Scary. & I only it had on 6/7.. That’s a big persons amp..
I had a AC30 back in the late 70's/early 80's. It was certainly simpler than the modelling one I've got now (I haven't 'modelled' with it.) I swapped to a Fender Twin Reverb, but I never quite felt it had the same character as the Vox. After I ceased playing with a band (roughly coinciding with the onset of marital bliss!) I had little practice amps until I bought the Vox VT20+ about 13 years ago. I'm a legend in my spare room! I am a big person, but that's a whole different problem.
Trannies are ok for some people, for bedroom practice, but I prefer my old, hot glowing valves. I loved my AC15, but friend James Perrett blew his main stage amp mid tour in Hebden Bridge snot 2 months ago. Bobbed by me to collect the Vox on way to next show in Nottingham. I don’t particularly want it back. Jamie has a new baby & I would rather he didn’t have to worry about amp repairs or replacements.. & I work much bet with my Hotrod. It keeps up with me very well..
Can relate to this. A work colleague/acquaintance borrowed my Twin Reverb and blew all the tubes. Not sure how - he only played the clubs. I got new valves in Sheffield. Our Waterloo came one August (Feast Week) Sunday night when our bassist unexpectedly went awol on a family holiday in Bridlington. The secretary at Farm Road Club was not very forgiving of our bassless sound and paid us off. We were rumbled, and went our separate ways! Good while it lasted!