You're confusing upset with disdain.
Aww, all very quiet on this thread. Don't worry though BR, I'm sure your fellow lefty morons will be along eventually to help you feel validated....
I know you're a bit thick but please don't call me a tory, like most voters in the UK I'm right of centre so the tories have long since lost my vote.
This cr@p would have more credibility if you didn't allow the lefty mob to jump all over any dissenting views on the BBS without similar comment,...
I see you didn't reply to my point, which is that Trump clearly didn't say she should be shot, and anyone who continues to believe he did (having...
`Starmer's more or less there. It'd be hard to imagine a bigger v@gina in parliament, even given Angela Rayner's part in the current tragedy.
He really didn't. You should watch the footage of the full exchange, not the deceptive edited crap the massed forces of the dreadful left wing...
Honestly it's laughable to believe you think you have a right to ask anyone this kind of question; talk about condescending. The usual sly...
Show off.
Yes many people are worried about this. The hope is that his kingly responsibilities will sufficiently focus him on real issues rather than this...
A wonderful thing to do, respect to you and your daughter sir.
Absolutely meaningless. Laughing at his bio - Radical, scouse separatist, 115,000 twitter followers. He's as irrelevant as you and your ilk are PR.
Nor should he, it was a confected storm in a non-existent teacup. No surprise to see ambitious non-entities like Aluko fanning the flames of...
Welcome to my world. TyketicalM's position on this has been consistently sensible and measured, and at no point has he or anyone else suggested we...
You mean the rumours that were bought and paid for by the Hilary Clinton campaign, and (like all other democrat lines of attack to date) have long...
A new low for the left, their many eager media mouthpieces, and of course the morons who cut and paste that very same media's vile invective as if...
This is a devastating post, and I have nothing but deepest condolence and respect for you and yours. I cannot even begin to imagine what your...
This is an equally idiotic post (though not surprising given the poster), not least as I believe the only time Trump was genuinely confronted by...
With respect, both these views are idiotic, as Trump followed an avowedly non-interventionist foreign policy and simply wanted all NATO members to...
Separate names with a comma.