The wife and eldest will have a look out for ye, to educate you on the superiority of the People's Republic over the Kingdom :-) (we live in...
Bit harsh coming from a "cute Kerry hoor" :-)
Moved to Cork 23 years ago, and a derogatory name for an idiot here is langer, so there we go. Prior to that on the original BBS I was RichA...
And just finished his novel - The Satsuma Complex, really quite good as well.
Obviously no-one should do anything on Saturday as its Remembrance Day. So can we all not - go to football, go shopping, go to the pub, go to the...
Should have checked the other post first - apols for duplicating but maybe a message worth repeating
This, from Norwich City, is an exceptional message - stay till the end [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] - mad but I am loving it
Every Tory policy - undermining net zero attacking refugees cutting inheritance tax underfunding services cancelling infrastructure nimby housing...
Currently controversy over here on the singing of Zombie at the Rugby. Sinn Fein taking it as an attack directly on them. TBH my view is it is...
Unfortunately, under the UK (and Belarus) first past the post system, a vote for an alternative ends up a wasted vote. Surely in the UK's next...
And Scotland have a folk song written in the 60's. Ireland use a song written in the nineties especially for the 95 Rugby World Cup (Ireland's...
Chief Information Officer (Ireland) for an American Multi National (well known name)
***** disease - possibly the worst. My younger brother passed from MND. 18 months from diagnosis to drowning on his own saliva (he had told his...
Living in Cork and been refereeing Gaelic Games for 16 years now. Hurling is the absolute pinnacle of team games imo but I do like Gaelic...
And back in the day, everyone who bought the Scum was buying mucky photos
To be honest that rag has done what its owner wants. Totally distract the public, attack the BBC and focus away from the real news. Where is the...
Gaelic Games - I am a referee for Gaelic football, Hurling, Ladies Gaelic Football and Camogie. Also coach an adult Ladies Gaelic Football Team...
Selective answering as ever. My point is that you cited SSAUK as some kind of authority to backup your point of view. My answer is that it is just...
So report and subsequent follow ups point out it is fake and yet you still say its not ? The days of the Torygraph being a reputable newspaper are...
Separate names with a comma.