****-list-2023/ Bang on this. Edit: replace the asterisks with s h i t
When you look down that list it's no wonder that the country is such a shambles. Has there ever been a worse cast of people in the top echelons of our society?
Agreed I’d have Patel in there As aside there is a factual error in the Roger Waters bit. The show was never billed as his greatest hits but a re-imagining of dark side of the moon. That was the second half of the show and was really good. The description of the first half is correct though. It was dire and he is a missive dick.
Even back in the 70s when they recorded the Live at Pompeii film, you can see he's a wrong 'un. The other three come across as fairly level headed.
Gove's recently managed to carve out a niche as the least evil senior tory, to be fair to him (a very low bar, I know), but agree on Patel. If nothing else, she laid the groundwork for what we're seeing now from Braverman.
Ah so it was ok for him to tell everybody to ignore experts and vote for self harm then? No mate I'll never forgive the snivelling little toe rag.