25 years ago tomorrow since this photo (which I've posted before) was taken, about an hour after Barnsley FC's finest achievement had been completed and we'd been promoted to the Premier League. Me and Curtis, 22 years old. Contrast that to now, we've just been relegated to the Third tier for the 3rd time in 8 years and the 4th time since playing at the highest level. Whilst money has created a lack of genuine competition in the top two tiers of English Football, we somehow gatecrashed in 1997 and even last season came within a whisker of getting there again. We were a club with a true identity reflecting the area, the players drove Fiesta's and Golf's, the game had a simpler feel to it. I genuinely don't know what we stand for or represent, points from matches, not pounds, should be the only currency that measures success or otherwise, but we've had our second worst season ever on the pitch and a terrible one off it, self inflicted to a significant degree. We've been here before on football terms but our model and ownership plan feels so detached from what I want to see as a supporter that I'm genuinely questioning whether to keep bothering for the first time in 42 years since I first watched a Barnsley match, and 32 years as a season ticket holder. How times change.
25 years ago today but in all honesty it seems like a lifetime. Highly unlikely we’ll see it happen again but hope is what keeps you going. So much has happened between then and now to the game we all love and it’s a lot poorer for it, no matter what any of the pundits might tell you. I’m not really fussed about the Prem if I’m honest as I hate what it stands for these days. Just want our old honest club back, one with a proper identity and preferably locally owned.
I want us back in the Premier League. Where I stand at the minute is seeing little point of having a club in it's current guise. There is no hope for the future under these owners.
Premiership was always a dream , the fact we got there albeit for one season , was in footballing terms a miracle , we went close a couple of seasons later and last season , during PC’s time we were no where near and in my opinion had no hope of getting there . We are in a new era of ownership , the last year has been been a disaster for them but I’m not giving up just yet , it’s going to be turbulent and if the new proposals for an independent body go through with financial controls on all clubs , I can see quite a few clubs coming onto the market
Maybe but we aren’t yet , my first match was in 1967 , I think we finished in the bottom half of Div 4 , I vaguely remember people talking about us going out of the league , then we had the ‘ they don’t want us to go up ‘ years , we are still a long way from those days .
Thought they might have brought Clint and Redders back tonight. Would have given us a boost after the farce of this season and the tossers running us
Correct me if iam wrong ( Wife says I usually am) but didn't the owners talk about working our way up to the Premier league ?
Yes they did. But i don't think thete is any danger of that happening under these. But i still think if we can stay in the championship thats the place for us. I think the football is more honest than the play acting in the premier league
Instant happiness remembering that. Ranks along with the birth of my children and getting my exam results But in some ways even better because the joy was shared with so many!.
A team with a few old heads in it took this club somewhere it had never been before. Tonight a team with no old heads in it failed miserably for about the 30th time this season. Take note Conway and co a player doesn't necessarily have to have a resale value to add value to the club when he's signed.