Well the seasons nearly upon us! Will we sign a couple of forwards or go into the season with a Vanarama national league forward line? Will we get rid of the players who want gone and have time to replace? Are we playing in last seasons strip? Will the flatbreads still be on sale or are they going to mix it up?
Still no mention of the olive bar, although George seems to have taken the huff and left, so that’s probably why!
We will have to see what happens. Probably sold all the flatbreads to Luton for an undisclosed amount.
Of course we'll sign forwards. It was inevitable that we were going to lose our better ones, but I'm glad we've sold them now rather than on deadline day. It's 3 weeks to the start of the season, but about 8 weeks until the end of the window. I imagine we're trying to get all of our business done as early as possible, but it's not always that simple. The strip will be red.