Its obvious and only my oppinion we are crying out for a proper centre forward to play with moore, obviously no woodrow till next week i believe so get thiam up top for now, move pottsy into middle with alex then put moncur and hedges onto wings. We then have pace and skill out wide and goal scorers in the middle and two lads who can shoot up top. Playin a midfielder up top has faded out and is not working. In jan we also need a right full back who beats his man and not goes inside all the time. Were playing crap at mo and still 4th if we can get back to our best we can still win this league boys. U reddddzzz.
Can't see Woodrow playing next week. Didn't even turn out for the young uns in the week when Isgrove and Fryers got a game.
I agree potts is wasted out wider i prefer him down middle. We've got a squad full of wingers yet rely on full backs that can't cross.
The “problem” and I use the term very very lightly before anyone asks where we are in the league is we have no fit wingers to play 442 in its truest sense. Instead we have a “left midfielder” usually in the middle and also a “right midfielder” also very often somewhere central. Our full backs regular get pilloried on here but neither get no protection from either. Now the extra value obviously comes from having extra men centrally we are seeing goals from midfield and a lot of goal scoring opportunities created centrally like mowetts yesterday, sometimes however we look too narrow something the coach is probably aware of I’m sure
We played Saturday a 451 with 5 naturally attacking Central midfiders, 2 of them Mowatt and Mcgheehan playing deeper 2 of them Potts and Moncur trying to play wider than they normally play with Bahre trying to do the link to Moore. It didn't work for me although Mowatt goal was fantastic team play and a great goal. I would like to see 433 as we don't have wingers anymore and that formation suits the pressing game better, suits the type of players we have and gives closer support to Moore.
You mean a bit like the system Morais tried to play , although McBurnie was a success coming in from a wide position , however that ship has sailed.
I do, like you say how Morais tried to play, I like it and think we have the players to play it as the forward 3 can offer width and the middle 3 can offer defensive cover. Deeper midfield 3 Potts, Dougall, Mowatt with Mcgheehan Bahre as cover Forward 3 from. Woodrow or Hedges , Moore, Thiam or Moncur Bahre deeper for me as I don't see him as goal threat but is a tidy player.
I do not disagree with your thoughts , I would think that a fit Isgrove would be useful in this system .
My ideal team would have a fit isgrove wide, hammill on the other side as I would have retained him Mowatt Dougall in the middle with Moore and Woodrow if he's as good as I hope he will be up top in a 442. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to play the squad we have available and this far in Stendell seems to keep changing his mind.. I am enjoying it though and 4th isn't bad.
If I’d have taken the job vhen I was offered it it’d have been bloody 4-5-2 isneet m8. All about the vingers. Shame I vas wery busy vith the Internet cafe/ foot spa at the time. Bloody Vilson came back instead.
It vould be bloody rush keeper isneet m8. Ve vouldnt need a keeper ve’d be that much on top at all times.