Just out of interest has the club written to anyone personally or is all this just on their news site. Reason I ask I is went walking (Social distance observed) with a mate who has been a season ticket holder for ages and dint have the foggiest clue what I was on about, thing is if your not on a media site like this or check the club site how do you know what's happening...….sure there's some fans who may not be aware as I've told 3 myself in the last week who weren't...
I think i'd rather not receive a letter to be honest. They can send out letters to those who still want them but personally I'd prefer the club to go paperless where possible and practical.
They need to send letters to everyone though unless you opt out, surely? They could just have a tick box on the website asking if you want to go paperless and then upload the letters as notifications to your account. It shouldn’t just be articles on the website as even those who don’t want paper communication could miss things if they don’t check regularly and there have been lots of interviews that week or something. I know there is a newsletter but who doesn’t just ignore them? Important stuff like this needs to be more formal.
I e-mailed the club and gave them my membership number, asked for a refund and they said that my request would go on file and be dealt with in due course.
Good point. Even in 2020 a large amount of our fanbase won't be computer savvy or have internet access, so if they don't get told about things through the post they won't know about it until someone else tells them.
It’s the way of the world. Paperless. And so it should be. But well over a thousand letters went out. Anyway, Beth is back on twitter now to help with queries too.
Absolutely. They could take the same approach that my bank and credit card company have taken which is, as you say, to allow you to opt out. That way you have the choice which I think all companies should be doing.