To be pedantic it is 55 and over Priority Risk group 1 Residents in a care home for older adults and staff working in care homes for older adults 2 All those 80 years of age and over and frontline health and social care workers 3 All those 75 years of age and over 4 All those 70 years of age and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals (not including pregnant women and those under 16 years of age) 5 All those 65 years of age and over 6 Adults aged 16 to 65 years in an at-risk group (see clinical conditions below) [footnote 1] 7 All those 60 years of age and over 8 All those 55 years of age and over 9 All those 50 years of age and over 10 Rest of the population (to be determined)
Think you are getting mixed up rather than pedantic. The OP is talking about available booking slots (56+ is now open) and you are talking about the risk group categories.
I certainly don’t wish to get into an argument with anyone on this fine and sunny morning but it does seem strange that they would open up bookings to risk group 8 with the exception of 55 year olds. edit: Just had a look at the BBC report and it does indeed say 56 to 59 years old.
Managed to book both my appointments yesterday only to get a text to say the second had been cancelled. Rang them this morning to rearrange only to be told the texts are often being sent out in error! I have to wait 48 hours for the system to update, to find out if it was an error or if the appointment has been cancelled. How much have we spent on this system ? How much extra are the nurses getting in their pay packet this year ? I have to say the sooner Boris and his bunch of crooks are sent packing the better!