we are like a rolls Royce with a blind driver who has no key to the fuel tank that is serviced at greggs (no idea how to keep it going)
To be fair we’re not a rolls royce... More a clapped out Ford Focus, which would still be capable of getting you from A to B adequately if it was looked after by someone with a bit of driving experience, maybe not doing the job as attractively as other road users but getting the same job done much cheaper than them. Only our driver has decided despite already having disadvantages given to him that he’d like to ignore going the obvious routes and is going up winding country lanes and blind alleys - in reverse. Having chanced upon a method of getting the car running, not that smoothly but with a little forward momentum, he decided to flush the engine and see if running it on a mixture of diesel and chip fat would be better. Despite it being a petrol engine. With the car in a cloud of smoke parked up in a field full of male cattle’s excrement, the driver exclaimed that it isn’t a failure that the car is off to the scappers, despite the fact that three or four other, in some cases worse cars have managed to get to where they wanted without having to do much more than put a bit of petrol in and point it in the right direction. Thankfully the bloke who appointed the driver knows very well that the driver is full of shi.t...
That took some writing and thought Troff Just about somes it up perfectly. We needed a mechanic and got a driver