Yes, If you dont say Ouch after reading thisi will but youa 4 pack....First of all just rub the backs of your habds,gentle like,..then just rub your chin gently..then the back of your head...Now this happened inat Pilley pit ,at the coal face..2 men were working to gether at the face,and one was having trouble putting a Prop under the end of a bar ,it kept bouncing out,so the younger of the two said let me get behind the prop and clasp my hand and stop the prop from springing out, and so he did firmly holding the prop.the other man let go with his 14 pound hammer.........They had to carry the young man out of the PIT. he hit him firmly on his had .OUCH..... Now the second one involved face workers who moved heavy gear heads when coal face moved forward 6 foot...they used a SYLVESTER,a sword like peice of equipent with Notches a small chainand you really could move heavy materisl am inch at a time,now to do this first you spragged the sylvester tot the roof,and used alever .on this occasion the going was heavy.and it required two men to push back the lever even one inch was really hard one man pulling the other shoving,with all their might.and it slipped on full stretch..and hit the man shoving on the Jaw...and broke and this is true....he had time off from work...then got better....went back to work on the same job......guess what happened next..........on the very first day back at work.....the same thing OUCH....are your hands and jaw ok??? now the third and last one happened in was after the truce was signed...Hours you can imagine one big PEE our Corporal got with some Yanks...and they drank and drank...the Hard this yank was a ,well lets say he was not white... a African looking 6 footer plus..and as all P Ups do they started fighting now you have all sean the punch ups on the movies.well this was no stand ins they were hitting each other hard.the Yank was on top of the Corp.i can see him now going for his Gun revolver.(but some one had took it out of the holster) then the chap on Guard duty with lee enfield rifle,saw all this the yank would have killed him...saw he hit himon the head,with is rifle,and i dont mean a tap. i mean whack....OUCH...and the yank never even flinched,,,,,cheers thanks for reading this.......