is trying to have the term failed removed from schools and replaced with defered success. Apparently it causes pupils to realise there not good at things. Where do these people get there ideas from. No doubt, she was also one of the people behind banning winning and competition from school.
Where did you get that from is there a link? I have got in the mood for writing to my MP again. this sounds like a good cause
she's just been interviewed on radio 5 mate and in 10 minutes they recieved over 300 e-mails telling her to get stuffed.
I wonder if those email came from People who had succeeded, or people who had deferred their success until a more appropriate livelyhood was handed to them on a plate.
RE: Your spelling Only one of them should have been "they're", the other should have been "their". So there.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!! What utter crapola !!! This leads to school leavers having expectations above their abilities !!! Let them think about "deferred success" whilst they are flipping burgers !!!(furious) Give me a moment whilst I think for the latest "politically correct" word for THICK !!(chinny)Sometimes PEOPLE FAIL I know I've done it myself, not everyone can be a success, you reach a level of acheivement and provided you give it your best and try your best IMHO that's fine, it dosn't make you a bad person !
A friend of mine who works with naughty kids was writing a report on a child and put "doesn't pay any attention in lessons" on a report. Got it back from her mentor with ...please amend "doesn't pay any attention in lessons" to "differently attentive in class"