There seems to be a growing discontent and backlash from players about actually having to play 90 minutes football. As a fan I can’t see the problem??
The fans too! Personally I agree. It's the only sport that has become accustomed to wasted time. I get some games won't finish until 5:15, but so what? Obviously it makes transport arrangements more difficult for some, but the vast majority are hardly impacted. I occasionally go to watch the Ice Hockey, and a 60 minute match (with 2 x 15 minute intervals) can last anywhere between 1 hour 45 and 3 hours, depending on stoppages.
I think 10 minutes stoppage time each half is going to wear very thin, really quickly. I don't want to see more of an inferior product, and the new rules are simply going to create more time for refs to give idiotic bookings based on some FIFA directive. Not really looking forward to one of our players being sent off for perceived time-wasting and then watching us concede a 100th minute goal with 10-men to lose a game. Pretty sure we'll see something like this during the season.
My fear is that it isn’t going to stop wasted time though, and we’ll actually get more of it. Players aren’t going to speed up significantly because of this, and then we’ll also get the time they waste during the added time added on. We’ll get more football, yes, but the amount of dead time will actually be greater.
A 60 minute game of American Football can take over 3 hours, as they stop the clock when the ball is not in play. Best thing to do in football is adopt this principle so that everyone knows how long is left. The game/half of football stops when the clock gets to 00:00
As a fan I'm not a fan of this, I'd like to know at least roughly what time I'm going home. But I understand why it's being done and am willing to stick with it for a bit to see if it has any of the desired effects on player behaviour. I'm not sure how people can say "it won't work" at this stage, you can already see all the players bellyaching about it, so maybe the FA need to stick to their guns and point out it's well within their control to bring the amount of added time down.
Even here there's inconsistencies. Roberts gets booked for time wasting with the score at 6-0 and Vale unlikely to pull it back and yet Tranmere's keeper with the score at 2-1 in their favour doesn't.
Trouble is at the moment they're doing both - booking time wasters AND adding time, both inconsistently.
The way the game is officiated I'd the problem. Time wasting is often let go and rarely a booking. If referees consistently started throwing the yellow card about then the players would speed up.
I drifted away from watching professional football because of the increase in cheating, diving and time wasting, plus poor officials. I hope these new directives will improve matters, but won't hold my breath...
We've scored three times in added minutes already. The game would have been over last season for two of them. I do like adding the actual time back on for things like goal celebrations and substitutions. On the other hand inconsistencies in dealing with inplay timewasting are going to be insanely irritating.
Travelling to games can become an issue though, scheduled buses and trains don’t wait. For me travelling back to Kendal after a midweek game is tough enough without lots of extra time. I totally agree with the clamp down on time waisting, hate it even when it’s us doing it but prefer refs to show cards more often. Players would soon stop.
As I've said before the game is 22 players trying to cheat a referee, who doesn't even apply the rules correctly. No wonder it's awful and frustrating at times.
I assume the theory is that when players realise there’s no point time wasting they won’t bother and we’ll go back to having ‘normal’ amounts of added time. But knowing the FA / Prem / EFL it won’t work. They have all these bright ideas and initiatives at the start of a season then forget about them by the end of august.
I'm all for it. we pay to see 90 minutes of football. Therefore as long as its administered correctly, thats what we should get. If it is administered correctly, the concept of time wasting should wither on the vine. As for players moaning about the extra time, that is certainly an OMG moment for me!
It's more than that though, as clock management is an integral part of the tactics in American Football, which is why the length of the game isn't an issue for those who follow it. Teams with a lead will try to run down the clock, whilst those chasing the game will be trying to stop it after every play. There's also a very strict enforcement of time between plays, with delay of game penalties for taking too long, which football doesn't have. Essentially they're doing the equivalent of stopping the clock in football now, but with the time being added on at the end, rather than a clock running up to an adjusted 45 minutes of playing time. For me, the ridiculous amounts of additional game time detract from, rather than add to, the overall experience of watching a game, which is the opposite of what those enforcing the changes are expecting. Similarly, the way the VAR is being done is another feature to improve the game that has actually made it worse (the one benefit of being in the EFL is not having it, apart from one game where we got screwed by it). It's possible I'm in the minority on this and other fans love being there for games approaching 2 hours of playing time. The bigger problem is the completely arbitrary application of yellow cards for perceived timewasting. The one for our keeper at 6-0 up on Saturday was a prime example of this. Eventually, one of these will be a 2nd booking and all hell will break loose when it affects the result of a game (not just for us, but for all clubs).
Cricketers are the experts at time wasting. The general guideline is - if you can't think of anything else to do play cricket. So many excuses to delay play nowadays. Tennis is another game where play is slower. 5 setters never usually lasted 5 hours in the 20th century.