.... That only lacked composure in front of goal we are faced with a mass of negativity again on here. You couldn't make it up. Moncur was superb in midfield. Scowen played out of his skin on the wing. Bradshaw ran his blood to water and with a cooler head may have bagged a brace. Same for Watkins, only snatching at chances stopped him from scoring a hat trick. Kent was electric. Not great in defence granted, but he tore their full back a new one. Our back four did an adequate job against a very good attacking threat, and Davies produced two excellent saves. But what do we get on here? Negativity by the usual suspects. Yes there are players out of contract in the summer. Yes there are loan players in our squad. Yes we missed a bagful of chances. But we also provided fantastic entertainment. People moan that there are no positive threads, well here we are. You Reds.
Maybe no positive threads was an exaggeration. But I fail to see how anyone can be negative about today.
Because they can't help themselves. They cannot get any pleasure from watching what is supposed to be their football team. I reckon they are Blades supporters in disguise, just on here to create dissent. There has been a bit to moan about this season but there has been a lot more to praise. Some of our football, passing and running with the ball today was outstanding. I was sickened by that result on Thursday but it didn't stop me enjoying watching the good things that my team did on the pitch. We can't always win but one thing is certain. The moaners will be on here trying to tell us how things are.
We played well today but it was more points dropped from a winning position (Ipswich, Wigan etc), we scored 1 goal in 20 odd attempts and conceded another penalty.
Kent - not our player Scowen - out of contract and won't be re-signing Watkins - ditto Bradshaw - honest laiker but he has still scored less than a striker who left three months ago Bit of balance there rather than just praising blindly - tell me if any of the above is incorrect.
Scowen - our player now so we are entitled to enjoy him NOW Ditto Watkins Ditto Moncur Why do we have to not enjoy this season for fear of something that NONE of us know what will unfold?
I wonder if you would have started this thread if it was the other way round? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No one is saying you can't enjoy it. Why should people who are so inclined not be concerned about what might unfold over the summer. The last few games of this season are largely irrelevant.
No game is "irrelevant", at any level. Every game is a chance for established players to remind the manager why they get picked. It's a chance for fringe players to force their way into the side. It's a chance for those who have hardly played at all to make an impression. Every game is an opportunity for those of us who go with an open mind to enjoy something unexpected. Hey.....we might even win a home game some day. This run of draws is getting annoying now, but there has still been plenty to enjoy. If a match was irrelevant I wouldn't bother travelling the 46 miles each way that I drive.
Largely irrelevant?? If we had God hammered 3 nowt and davies and Co had a shocker you would be on their back giving it the that's what happens when you sell your best players next year's rotherham ect ect but because we played well it's irrelevant hmmm
It's the difference between finishing 13th or 14th so in the grand scheme of things not that big a deal. In three weeks time it will be irrelevant how well Kent, James, Watkins, Scowen, Janko, Armstrong or Jones played as they will not be our players.
I really enjoyed today's game and thought we displayed some great attacking football. Brentford played their part too. The only negativity I've seen is about us not finishing our chances. 25 shots and 1 goal. Fact, not negativity. To end on a positive note, I think we've had a great season and I was very impressed with the former outcast Moncur today, Hourihane-esque at times.
God more backbiting in the guise of positivity. Why all the aggression pitting people against each other. Today the sun shone (albeit intermittently). The game was enjoyable ( if meaningless). So why the aggro?
We want to finish as high as possible for momentum and financial reasons. Who knows who will be here next season I didnt think hammill would sign last summer but he did.
It was just dissapointing in two dozen chances we could only break down a keeper having his first football league match in four years just the once and needed a deflection for even that to go in.
Yes bradshaw and watkins missed some great chances especially watkins what he put over. Couldn't tell it was his 1st game in 4 years as he made some good saves
I thought it was a thoroughly enjoyable game that could have gone either way with both sides creating plenty of chances. My MoM was Sowen by the way, but both Moncur and James had excellent games in midfield. The defending was a bit woeful at times though.
Exactly, I don't think people who post threads like this realise they are just as much a part of the problem. Especially when there were actually more praising threads than negative ones anyway. In fact, I'd go as far as to say there are more threads moaning about the moaners, or 'fake moaning' threads (i.e. I'm going to pretend to moan about this because I think the moaners might and now I've stolen their thunder by doing it sarcastically first) than there are actual negative threads. Based on opening posts only as the thread starter can't control how the thread develops: Actual positive threads: Tyke1, Prince of Risborough, jedi one, LiverpoolRed, redrum, Mr Badger, blivy Actual negative threads: Conan Troutman Bit positive, bit negative threads: AthersleyRed (fair bit of criticism but felt positive overall), SirPyschoSexy, (most took it as negative as the title definitely was but the content itself was fairy balanced) Sort of positive but actually moaning about moaners threads: Fonzie, Fired, Sarcastic negative thread: Mr Badger,